"Provides a 'verbs' command to output known verbs, a 'conjugate' command to demonstrate the conjugation of a given verb, and a 'meaning' command to report whether a verb is for saying only, means a property or what relationship it means if it means a relationship. The whole extension is marked Not for Release. For 6M62."
Includes and Included by are omitted for modules with errors
Something went wrong late in compilation, when working through the 'pipeline' of code-generation steps. (This should not normally happen unless your source text is making use of '(-' and '-)' and getting that wrong, or unless you are experimenting with non-standard pipelines.) The pipeline looks like so: 1. read 2. parse-insertions 3. resolve-conditional-compilation 4. compile-splats 5. load-binary-kits 6. make-synoptic-module 7. shorten-wiring Problem: unable to find definitions for the following name(s): ConjugateVerb_74, ConjugateVerb_75, ConjugateVerb_76, ConjugateVerb_77, ConjugateVerb_78, ConjugateVerb_79, ConjugateVerb_80, ConjugateVerb_81, ConjugateVerb_82, ConjugateVerb_83, ConjugateVerb_84, ConjugateVerb_85, ConjugateVerb_86 8. detect-indirect-calls 9. make-identifiers-unique 10. reconcile-verbs 11. eliminate-redundant-labels 12. eliminate-redundant-operations 13. optionally-generate text -> 14. generate 15. index
Include Verbal Commands by Zed Lopez.
Note that these verbs are what your game knows how to manipulate in adaptive text. They don't necessarily correspond to commands available to the player, to verbs available to verb phrases to form sentences in your Inform 7 source, or to anything else! Example: * Verbs
"Verbs" Include Verbal Commands by Zed Lopez. Use the serial comma. Lab is a room. A thing has a number called weight. The verb to weigh means the weight property. To lay is a verb. To lesnerize is a verb. Test me with "verbs / conjugate weigh / conjugate lay / conjugate lesnerize / conjugate frobnicate / meaning be / meaning lesnerize / meaning contain / meaning weigh / meaning frobnicate".
Section but what about to lie, where it's lied if we're talking about a mistruth and lay if we're taking about lying down? We do not talk about lie! Section Changelog 1/211213 various bits of code cleanup
Version 1/211213 of Verbal Commands by Zed Lopez begins here. "Provides a 'verbs' command to output known verbs, a 'conjugate' command to demonstrate the conjugation of a given verb, and a 'meaning' command to report whether a verb is for saying only, means a property or what relationship it means if it means a relationship. The whole extension is marked Not for Release. For 6M62." Use authorial modesty. Include Verbs by Zed Lopez. Volume 1 - Informational commands (Not for release) Book 0 - Meaning command Understand "meaning of/-- [text]" as request-meaning. Request-meaning is an action out of world applying to one topic. The request-meaning action has a verb called meaning-verb-understood. Check request-meaning (this is the check request-meaning rule): now meaning-verb-understood is the topic understood as a verb; if meaning-verb-understood is the null verb, instead say "I don't know the meaning of [topic understood]."; Carry out request-meaning (this is the carry out request-meaning rule): say "[verb-meaning of the meaning-verb-understood]."; Book 1 - Verbs command Part 1 - Understanding verbing Understand "verbs" as verbing. Understand the command "verb" as "verbs". Part 2 - Verbing All-verb-texts is a list of texts variable. Verbing is an action out of world. to decide what text is the infinitized (V - a verb) (this is infinitization): decide on "[infinitive of V]". Carry out verbing (this is the carry out verbing rule): if all-verb-texts is empty begin; let l be infinitization applied to all-verbs; now all-verb-texts is l; sort all-verb-texts; end if; say "[all-verb-texts][line break]". Book 2 - Conjugating Part Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla Pronoun-list is initially { "I", "You", "She/he/it", "We", "You", "They" }. Part Conjugational understandings Understand "conjugate to/-- [text]" as conjugating. Part Conjugating action Conjugating is an action out of world applying to one topic. The conjugating action has a verb called conjugating-verb-understood. Chapter Check conjugating Check conjugating (this is the check conjugating rule): now conjugating-verb-understood is the topic understood as a verb; if conjugating-verb-understood is the null verb, instead say "I don't know how to conjugate [topic understood]."; Chapter Carry out conjugating Section Maximizing To decide what number is a/-- max/maximum of/for (N - number) and (M - number) (this is maximizing): if N > M, decide on N; decide on M. To decide what number is a/-- max/maximum of/for (L - a list of values): decide on the maximizing reduction of L; Section Know your place To decide what number is the place for (N - a number) and (T - a grammatical tense): (- (({T}-1)*3 + {N}) -) Section Carry Out Conjugating rule To decide what text is the-verb-space of (T - a text): let c be character number 1 in T; if c is " " or c is "[']", decide on ""; decide on " ". To say conjugation of/for/-- (V - a verb): let L be a list of texts; let lengths be a list of numbers; let max-length be 0; repeat with g-num running through grammatical-numbers begin; if g-num is plural, now max-length is maximum of lengths; repeat with tense running through the grammatical tenses begin; let tense-text be "[tense]"; if g-num is plural, say "[line break][tense-text in sentence case]:[line break]"; repeat with g-person running from 1 to 3 begin; let the-viewpoint be the viewpoint corresponding to g-person and g-num; let p be entry (the-viewpoint cast as a number) of pronoun-list; if g-num is singular begin; let c-v be the substituted form of "[adapt V in tense from the-viewpoint]"; let c-text be the substituted form of " [p][the-verb-space of c-v][c-v]"; add c-text to L; add the number of characters in c-text to lengths; else; let entry_no be the place for g-person and tense; let c-v be the substituted form of "[adapt V in tense from the-viewpoint]"; say "[entry entry_no of L][(max-length - entry entry_no of lengths) spaces][p][the-verb-space of c-v][c-v][line break]"; end if; end repeat; end repeat; end repeat; Carry out conjugating (this is the carry out conjugating rule): say conjugation of conjugating-verb-understood; Book 3 - Helper functions Chapter 0 (For use without Central Typecasting by Zed Lopez) To decide which K is the/a/an/-- (unknown - a value) cast as the/a/an/-- (name of kind of value K): (- {unknown} -). Chapter 1 (For use without Grammar Tests by Zed Lopez) Grammatical-number is a kind of value. The grammatical-numbers are singular and plural. To decide what narrative viewpoint is the viewpoint corresponding to (N - a number) and (G - a grammatical-number): (- (({G}-1)*3 + {N}) -) Chapter 2 (for use without Textile by Zed Lopez) To say (N - a number) copies of (T - a text): repeat with i running from 1 to N begin; say T; end repeat. To decide what text is (N - a number) spaces: let T be " "; decide on "[N copies of T]"; Verbal Commands ends here.