Unicode File IO by Zed Lopez

Version 2/220219 (for Glulx only)

"Experimental support for reading and writing external files that may include characters longer than a byte. For 6M62."
Jump to extension code


Includes and Included by are omitted for modules with errors


In Book Revising FileIO, Part Readiness in the extension Unicode File IO by Zed

You wrote 'Include (- [ FileIO_Ready extf struc fref u [...] );
glk_fileref_destroy(fref); ]; -) instead of "Readiness" in "FileIO.i6t"' unicode file io by zed
lopez: but this syntax was withdrawn in April
2022, in favour of a more finely controlled inclusion command. See the
manual, but you can probably get what you want using 'replacing
"SomeFunctionName".' rather than 'instead of ...'.
In Part Open File in the extension Unicode File IO by Zed Lopez:

You wrote 'Include (- [ FileIO_Open extf write_flag app [...] which
seems to be malformed"); ]; -) instead of "Open File" in "FileIO.i6t"' unicode file io by zed
lopez: again, this syntax was withdrawn in
April 2022.
In Part Close File in the extension Unicode File IO by Zed Lopez:

You wrote 'Include (- [ FileIO_Close extf struc; if ( [...] TATUS =
AUXF_STATUS_IS_CLOSED; ]; -) instead of "Close File" in "FileIO.i6t"' unicode file io by zed
lopez: again, this syntax was withdrawn in
April 2022.
In Part Get Character in the extension Unicode File IO by Zed Lopez:

You wrote 'Include (- [ FileIO_GetC extf struc; if (( [...]
r_stream(struc-->AUXF_STREAM); ]; -) instead of "Get Character" in
"FileIO.i6t"' (Zed Lopez/Unicode File IO.i7x, line 227):
again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.
In Part Put Character in the extension Unicode File IO by Zed Lopez:

You wrote 'Include (- [ FileIO_PutC extf char struc; [...]
eam(struc-->AUXF_STREAM, char); ]; -) instead of "Put Character" in
"FileIO.i6t"' (Zed Lopez/Unicode File IO.i7x, line 241):
again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.
In Part Print Line in the extension Unicode File IO by Zed Lopez:

You wrote 'Include (- [ FileIO_PrintLine extf ch struc [...] print
(char) ch; } ]; -) instead of "Print Line" in "FileIO.i6t"' unicode file io by zed
lopez: again, this syntax was withdrawn in
April 2022.
Copy Include Unicode File IO by Zed Lopez to clipboard Include Unicode File IO by Zed Lopez.
To treat a file as unicode:

The file of reference is called "ref".
The output-mode of the file of reference is unicode-mode.

Glk has separate *_uni functions for several file and stream handling calls.

For the non-uni ones, it's definitive that a character is one byte long, and
a byte is the fundamental unit. In text mode, you may only output the values
10, 32 to 126, 160 to 255: linefeed, space, and the printable Latin-1 characters.
(Behavior is undefined, hence implementation dependent, if you try to output
an illegal character). In binary mode, you may output any value 0-255.

With the uni calls, binary mode uses the UTF-32 encoding form: every character
is a 4-byte word. In text mode, version 0.7.5 of the Glk spec calls for UTF-8;
in 0.7.4 and prior versions, the spec defined the behavior as implementation
dependent. (Note that any implementation will be able to read the files it
itself wrote; where there could be an issue is reading a file a different
terp wrote, or wanting some external application to read the file.)

Glk implementations that use UTF-8 for unicode text include:

- Glkote 2.20+
- WindowsGlk 1.47+
- cheapglk 1.05+
- remglk 0.2.5+
- garglk 2022.1+

Glk implementations that use UTF-32 for unicode text include:

- glkterm
- glktermw
- CocoaGlk

The only IDE available that uses UTF-8 for unicode text is the beta release
of the Windows IDE.

Some interpreters that use UTF-8 for unicode text (which is to say that come
bundled with Glk libraries that do so):

- Gargoyle 2022.1
- Quixe 2.1.3+
- Lectrote (since the earliest)

If you would prefer to test for the Glk library's unicode capabilities
at runtime you could do:

When play begins:
if unicode is supported, now the output-mode of the file of reference is unicode-mode.

But if you wanted a Latin-1 fallback if unicode was unavailable, you'd probably
be better off with:

The file of ref-uni is called "refuni".
The output-mode of the file of ref-uni is unicode mode.
The file of ref-latin is called "reflatin".

The output-file is initially the file of ref-latin.

When play begins: if unicode is supported, now the output-file is the file of ref-uni.

Beyond the ``if unicode is supported`` phrase, this extension adds:

``if is in/-- text mode``
``if is in/-- binary mode``

Otherwise, the extension only modifies functions from FileIO.i6t to use
Glk unicode library functions for files whose output-mode is unicode-mode.

Chapter Changelog

2/220219 updated documentation

2/220218 changed ascii-mode -> latin1-mode, output_mode -> extf_output_mode
added some documentation
Version 2/220219 of Unicode File IO (for Glulx only) by Zed Lopez begins here.

"Experimental support for reading and writing external files that may
include characters longer than a byte. For 6M62."

Book New Phrases

Part Can we unicode?

To decide if unicode is supported: (- glk_gestalt(gestalt_Unicode, 0) -).

Part Properties

Output-mode-value is a kind of value.
The output-mode-values are latin1-mode and unicode-mode.
An external file has an output-mode-value called output-mode.
The output-mode property translates into I6 as "extf_output_mode".

Part test binary vs text

Chapter I6 test binary vs text

Section ExtfileIsMode

Include (-
[ ExtfileIsMode extf bin struc;
   if ((extf < 1) || (extf > NO_EXTERNAL_FILES))
     return FileIO_Error(extf, "tried to write table to a non-file");
   struc = TableOfExternalFiles-->extf;
   if (bin && struc-->AUXF_BINARY) rtrue;
   if (~~bin && ~~struc-->AUXF_BINARY) rtrue;

Chapter I6 test binary vs text

To decide if (extf - an external file) is in/-- text mode:
   (- ~~(ExtfileIsMode({extf}, false)) -).

To decide if (extf - an external file) is in/-- binary mode:
   (- ~~(ExtfileIsMode({extf}, true)) -).

Book Revising FileIO

Part Readiness

Include (-

[ FileIO_Ready extf struc fref usage str ch;
if ((extf < 1) || (extf > NO_EXTERNAL_FILES)) rfalse;
   struc = TableOfExternalFiles-->extf;
   if ((struc == 0) || (struc-->AUXF_MAGIC ~= AUXF_MAGIC_VALUE)) rfalse;
   if (struc-->AUXF_BINARY) usage = fileusage_BinaryMode;
   else usage = fileusage_TextMode;
   fref = glk_fileref_create_by_name(fileusage_Data + usage,
     Glulx_ChangeAnyToCString(struc-->AUXF_FILENAME), 0);
   if (glk_fileref_does_file_exist(fref) == false) {
     if (GProperty(EXTERNAL_FILE_TY, extf, extf_output_mode) > 1) {
       str = glk_stream_open_file_uni(fref, filemode_Read, 0);
       ch = glk_get_char_stream_uni(str);
     else {
     str = glk_stream_open_file(fref, filemode_Read, 0);
       ch = glk_get_char_stream(str);
   glk_stream_close(str, 0);
   if (ch ~= '*') rfalse;

[ FileIO_MarkReady extf readiness struc fref str ch usage;
   if ((extf < 1) || (extf > NO_EXTERNAL_FILES))
     return FileIO_Error(extf, "tried to open a non-file");
   struc = TableOfExternalFiles-->extf;
   if ((struc == 0) || (struc-->AUXF_MAGIC ~= AUXF_MAGIC_VALUE)) rfalse;
   if (struc-->AUXF_BINARY) usage = fileusage_BinaryMode;
   else usage = fileusage_TextMode;
   fref = glk_fileref_create_by_name(fileusage_Data + usage,
     Glulx_ChangeAnyToCString(struc-->AUXF_FILENAME), 0);
   if (glk_fileref_does_file_exist(fref) == false) {
     return FileIO_Error(extf, "only existing files can be marked");
     return FileIO_Error(extf, "only closed files can be marked");
     if (GProperty(EXTERNAL_FILE_TY, extf, extf_output_mode) > 1) str = glk_stream_open_file_uni(fref, filemode_ReadWrite, 0);
     else str = glk_stream_open_file(fref, filemode_ReadWrite, 0);
   glk_stream_set_position(str, 0, 0); ! seek start
   if (readiness) ch = '*'; else ch = '-';
     if (GProperty(EXTERNAL_FILE_TY, extf, extf_output_mode) > 1) glk_put_char_stream_uni(str, ch); ! mark as complete
     else glk_put_char_stream(str, ch);
   glk_stream_close(str, 0);

-) instead of "Readiness" in "FileIO.i6t".

Part Open File

Include (-

[ FileIO_Open extf write_flag append_flag
   struc fref str mode ix ch not_this_ifid owner force_header usage;
   if ((extf < 1) || (extf > NO_EXTERNAL_FILES))
     return FileIO_Error(extf, "tried to open a non-file");
   struc = TableOfExternalFiles-->extf;
   if ((struc == 0) || (struc-->AUXF_MAGIC ~= AUXF_MAGIC_VALUE)) rfalse;
     return FileIO_Error(extf, "tried to open a file already open");
   if (struc-->AUXF_BINARY) usage = fileusage_BinaryMode;
   else usage = fileusage_TextMode;
   fref = glk_fileref_create_by_name(fileusage_Data + usage,
     Glulx_ChangeAnyToCString(struc-->AUXF_FILENAME), 0);
   if (write_flag) {
     if (append_flag) {
       mode = filemode_WriteAppend;
       if (glk_fileref_does_file_exist(fref) == false)
         force_header = true;
     else mode = filemode_Write;
   } else {
     mode = filemode_Read;
     if (glk_fileref_does_file_exist(fref) == false) {
       return FileIO_Error(extf, "tried to open a file which does not exist");
     if (GProperty(EXTERNAL_FILE_TY, extf, extf_output_mode) > 1) str = glk_stream_open_file_uni(fref, mode, 0);
     else str = glk_stream_open_file(fref, mode, 0);
   if (str == 0) return FileIO_Error(extf, "tried to open a file but failed");
   struc-->AUXF_STREAM = str;
   if (write_flag) {
     if (append_flag)
     if ((append_flag == FALSE) || (force_header)) {
       print "- ";
       for (ix=6: ix <= UUID_ARRAY->0: ix++) print (char) UUID_ARRAY->ix;
       print " ", (string) struc-->AUXF_FILENAME, "^";
   } else {
     ch = FileIO_GetC(extf);
     if (ch ~= '-' or '*') { jump BadFile; }
     if (ch == '-')
       return FileIO_Error(extf, "tried to open a file which was incomplete");
     ch = FileIO_GetC(extf);
     if (ch ~= ' ') { jump BadFile; }
     ch = FileIO_GetC(extf);
     if (ch ~= '/') { jump BadFile; }
     ch = FileIO_GetC(extf);
     if (ch ~= '/') { jump BadFile; }
     owner = struc-->AUXF_IFID_OF_OWNER;
     ix = 3;
     if (owner == UUID_ARRAY) ix = 8;
     if (owner ~= NULL) {
       for (: ix <= owner->0: ix++) {
         ch = FileIO_GetC(extf);
         if (ch == -1) { jump BadFile; }
         if (ch ~= owner->ix) not_this_ifid = true;
         if (ch == ' ') break;
       if (not_this_ifid == false) {
         ch = FileIO_GetC(extf);
         if (ch ~= ' ') { jump BadFile; }
     while (ch ~= -1) {
       ch = FileIO_GetC(extf);
       if (ch == 10 or 13) break;
     if (not_this_ifid) {
       glk_stream_close(str, 0);
       return FileIO_Error(extf,
         "tried to open a file owned by another project");
   return struc-->AUXF_STREAM;
   glk_stream_close(str, 0);
   return FileIO_Error(extf, "tried to open a file which seems to be malformed");

-) instead of "Open File" in "FileIO.i6t".

Part Close File

Include (-

[ FileIO_Close extf struc;
   if ((extf < 1) || (extf > NO_EXTERNAL_FILES))
     return FileIO_Error(extf, "tried to open a non-file");
   struc = TableOfExternalFiles-->extf;
   if (struc-->AUXF_STATUS ~=
     return FileIO_Error(extf, "tried to close a file which is not open");
   if (struc-->AUXF_STATUS ==
     glk_stream_set_position(struc-->AUXF_STREAM, 0, 0); ! seek start
     ! mark as complete
     if (GProperty(EXTERNAL_FILE_TY, extf, extf_output_mode) > 1) glk_put_char_stream_uni(struc-->AUXF_STREAM, '*');
     else glk_put_char_stream(struc-->AUXF_STREAM, '*');
   glk_stream_close(struc-->AUXF_STREAM, 0);

-) instead of "Close File" in "FileIO.i6t".

Part Get Character

Include (-

[ FileIO_GetC extf struc;
   if ((extf < 1) || (extf > NO_EXTERNAL_FILES)) return -1;
   struc = TableOfExternalFiles-->extf;
   if (struc-->AUXF_STATUS ~= AUXF_STATUS_IS_OPEN_FOR_READ) return -1;
     if (GProperty(EXTERNAL_FILE_TY, extf, extf_output_mode) > 1) return glk_get_char_stream_uni(struc-->AUXF_STREAM);
     return glk_get_char_stream(struc-->AUXF_STREAM);

-) instead of "Get Character" in "FileIO.i6t".

Part Put Character

Include (-

[ FileIO_PutC extf char struc;
   if ((extf < 1) || (extf > NO_EXTERNAL_FILES)) return -1;
     return FileIO_Error(extf, "tried to write to a non-file");
   struc = TableOfExternalFiles-->extf;
   if (struc-->AUXF_STATUS ~=
     return FileIO_Error(extf,
       "tried to write to a file which is not open for writing");
     if (GProperty(EXTERNAL_FILE_TY, extf, extf_output_mode) > 1) return glk_put_char_stream_uni(struc-->AUXF_STREAM, char);
     return glk_put_char_stream(struc-->AUXF_STREAM, char);
-) instead of "Put Character" in "FileIO.i6t".

Part Print Line

Include (-

[ FileIO_PrintLine extf ch struc;
   if ((extf < 1) || (extf > NO_EXTERNAL_FILES))
     return FileIO_Error(extf, "tried to write to a non-file");
   struc = TableOfExternalFiles-->extf;
   for (::) {
     ch = FileIO_GetC(extf);
     if (ch == -1) rfalse;
     if (ch == 10 or 13) { print "^"; rtrue; }
         if (ch > 65535)
           @streamunichar ch;
           print (char) ch;

-) instead of "Print Line" in "FileIO.i6t".

Unicode File IO ends here.