Parser Error Details by Zed Lopez

Version 1 (for Glulx only)

"Says where the parser ceased understanding a command, and describes ways the dictionary does know how to use that verb. Tested on 6M62."
Jump to extension code


Includes and Included by are omitted for modules with errors


My low-level reader of source code reported a mistake - "inform 6 syntax
error in function 'SayCommandUnderstood': 'for' header with too few
clauses". Low-level material written in Inform 6 syntax occurs either in
kits or in matter written inside 'Include (- ... -)' in source text, either
in the main source or in an extension used by it.

My low-level reader of source code reported a mistake - "inform 6 syntax
error in function 'SayMisunderstoodWords': 'for' header with too few
clauses". Low-level material written in Inform 6 syntax occurs either in
kits or in matter written inside 'Include (- ... -)' in source text, either
in the main source or in an extension used by it.
Copy Include Parser Error Details by Zed Lopez to clipboard Include Parser Error Details by Zed Lopez.
This offers ``showcommand``, which beefs up version of the testing command ``showverb``,
chiefly by listing all of the equivalent verbs for a given verb.

It has no dependency on ShowVerbSub or any testing routines, so it could be compiled for release.

The use option:

Use show commands after parser error.

makes it automatically invoke after parser errors.

This is offered as a running version of Andrew and Aaron's decade-old proofs of concept.
``showcommand`` may be useful to authors during development, but I don't conceive of
this as something anyone would want to drop as is into a game for release.
Version 1 of Parser Error Details (for Glulx only) by Zed Lopez begins here.

"Says where the parser ceased understanding a command, and describes
ways the dictionary does know how to use that verb. Tested on 6M62."

"based on code by Aaron Reed and Andrew Plotkin" [ ]

Use authorial modesty.

Use show commands after parser error translates as (- Constant SHOW_COMMANDS_AFTER_PARSER_ERROR; -).

Command-showing is an action out of world applying to one topic.
Understand "showcommand [text]" as command-showing.

Carry out command-showing: describe-verb.

To describe-verb: (- DescribeVerbSub(); -).

After printing a parser error when the show commands after parser error option is active: now VerbToExplain is true.

VerbToExplain is a truth state that varies.

For reading a command when VerbToExplain is true and the show commands after parser error option is active:
now VerbToExplain is false;
replace the player’s command with "showcommand [word number 1 in the player’s command]".

VerbExplaining is an action out of world applying to nothing.

To verb-explain: (- DescribeVerbSub(); -).

To say dictionary word entry (n - a number): (- print (address) {n}; -)

To say canonical verb for (n - a number) and (act - an action name) (this is canon-verb):
   say canonical verb text for n and act.

To decide what text is the canonical verb text for/-- (n - a number) and (act - an action name):
   [ will always be a single word; return value should always be a single word ]
   let t be the substituted form of the canonical verb text for n;
   let act-name be the substituted form of "[act]";
   if act-name is "throwing it at", decide on "throw";
   if act-name is "examining" and t is "look", decide on "examine";
   if act-name is "switching off" and t is "close", decide on "shut";
   decide on t;

To decide what text is the canonical verb text for/-- (n - a number):
   let t be the substituted form of "[dictionary word entry n]";
   if t is "hop" or t is "skip", decide on "jump";
   if t is "carry" or t is "hold", decide on "take";
   if t is "don", decide on "wear";
   if t is "discard", decide on "drop";
   if t is "pay" or t is "offer" or t is "feed", decide on "give";
   if t is "present" or t is "display", decide on "show";
   if t is "walk" or t is "run", decide on "go";
   if t is "i" or t is "inv", decide on "inventory";
   if t is "l", decide on "look";
   if t is "unwrap" or t is "uncover", decide on "open";
   if t is "shut" or t is "cover", decide on "close";
   if t is "cross", decide on "enter";
   if t is "leave" or t is "out", decide on "exit";
   if t is "x" or t is "watch" or t is "describe" or t is "check", decide on "examine";
   if t is "y", decide on "yes";
   if t is "adjust", decide on "set";
   if t is "drag", decide on "pull";
   if t is "move" or t is "shift" or t is "clear" or t is "press", decide on "push";
   if t is "rotate" or t is "twist" or t is "unscrew" or t is "screw", decide on "turn";
   if t is "break" or t is "smash" or t is "hit" or t is "fight" or t is "torture" or t is "wreck" or t is "crack" or t is "destroy" or t is "murder" or t is "kill" or t is "punch" or t is "thump", decide on "attack";
   if t is "z", decide on "wait";
   if t is "nap", decide on "sleep";
   if t is "scale", decide on "climb";
   if t is "purchase", decide on "buy";
   if t is "squash", decide on "squeeze";
   if t is "awake" or t is "awaken", decide on "wake";
   if t is "embrace" or t is "hug", decide on "kiss";
   if t is "sniff", decide on "smell";
   if t is "feel", decide on "touch";
   if t is "shine" or t is "polish" or t is "sweep" or t is "clean" or t is "dust" or t is "wipe" or t is "scrub", decide on "rub";
   if t is "attach" or t is "fasten", decide on "tie";
   if t is "light", decide on "burn";
   if t is "swallow" or t is "sip", decide on "drink";
   decide on t;

Include (-

[ DescribeVerbSub address lines meta i x verb_addr;
   wn = 2; x = NextWordStopped();
   if (x == 0 || ((x->#dict_par1) & 1) == 0) return;
   meta = ((x->#dict_par1) & 2)/2;
   i = DictionaryWordToVerbNum(x);
   address = VM_CommandTableAddress(i);
   lines = address->0;
   verb_addr = VM_PrintCommandWords_spec(i);
   if (lines == 0) "has no grammar lines.";
   for (: lines>0 : lines-- ) {
     address = UnpackGrammarLine(address);
     print " "; VerbDebugGrammarLine(verb_addr); new_line;

[ VerbDebugGrammarLine verb_addr pcount;
     print " * ";
((+ canon-verb +)-->1)(verb_addr,action_to_be);
     for (: line_token-->pcount ~= ENDIT_TOKEN : pcount++) {
       if ((line_token-->pcount)->0 & $10) print "/";
       else print " ";
       print (VerbDebugToken) line_token-->pcount; !, " ";
     print " -> ", (SayActionName) action_to_be;
     !print " (", (VerbDebugAction) action_to_be, ")";
     if (action_reversed) print " (with nouns reversed)";

[ VerbDebugAction a str;
if (a >= 4096) { print "<fake action ", a-4096, ">"; return; }
     if (a < 0 || a >= #identifiers_table-->7) print "<invalid action ", a, ">";
     else {
         str = #identifiers_table-->6;
         str = str-->a;
         if (str) print (string) str; else print "<unnamed action ", a, ">";

[ VerbDebugToken token;
   switch (found_ttype) {
     print "<illegal token number ", token, ">";
     switch (found_tdata) {
       NOUN_TOKEN: print "{something}";
       HELD_TOKEN: print "{something held}";
       MULTI_TOKEN: print "{one or more things}";
       MULTIHELD_TOKEN: print "{one or more things held}";
       MULTIEXCEPT_TOKEN: print "{one or more things}";
       MULTIINSIDE_TOKEN: print "{one or more things inside another thing}";
       CREATURE_TOKEN: print "{someone}";
       SPECIAL_TOKEN: print "{special}";
       NUMBER_TOKEN: print "{a number}";
       TOPIC_TOKEN: print "{any text}";
       ENDIT_TOKEN: print "{END}";
     print "", (address) found_tdata, "";
     ROUTINE_FILTER_TT: print "<noun routine>";
     print (VerbDebugAttribute) found_tdata;
     SCOPE_TT: print "<scope routine>";
     GPR_TT: print "<GPR routine>";
   return found_ttype;

[ VerbDebugAttribute a str;
     if (a < 0 || a >= NUM_ATTR_BYTES*8) print "<invalid attribute ", a, ">";
     else {
         str = #identifiers_table-->4;
         str = str-->a;
         if (str) print (string) str; else print "<unnamed attribute ", a, ">";

[ VM_PrintCommandWords_spec i wd j dictlen entrylen ctr result found;
   ctr = 0;
   found = 0;
   dictlen = #dictionary_table–->0;
   entrylen = DICT_WORD_SIZE + 7;
   for (j = 0 : j < dictlen : j++ ) {
     wd = #dictionary_table + WORDSIZE + (entrylen * j);
     if (DictionaryWordToVerbNum(wd) == i) found++;
     if (found > 1) break;
   for (j = 0 : j < dictlen : j++ ) {
     wd = #dictionary_table + WORDSIZE + (entrylen * j);
     if (DictionaryWordToVerbNum(wd) == i) {
       if (ctr == 0) result = wd;
       if (ctr >= 1) print ", ";
       if (ctr == 0) {
         print "Here are all the ways I know how to use the verb";
         if (found > 1) print "s";
         print " ";
       print (address) wd;
   print ": ";
   return result;

Rule for printing a parser error when the latest parser error is the only understood as far as error and the show commands after parser error option is active:
   let cw be "[the command word]";
   let cu be "[the partial command understood]";
   let mw be "[the misunderstood words]";
   say "I understood the command '[cu]'[unless cw exactly matches the text cu] (that is, '[cw]')[end unless], but not the word";
   if mw matches the text " ", say "s";
   say " '";
   say the misunderstood words;
   say "' at the end.";

To say the command word: (- SayCommandWord(); -).
To say the partial command understood: (- SayCommandUnderstood(); -).
To say the misunderstood word/words: (- SayMisunderstoodWords(); -).

Include (-

[ SayCommandWord m;
   for (m=0 : m<32 : m++) pattern-->m = pattern2-->m;
   pcount = pcount2;

[ SayCommandUnderstood m ix addr len;
   for (ix=1: ix < wn-1; ix++) {
     if (ix ~= 1) print " ";
     addr = WordAddress(ix);
     len = WordLength(ix);
     while (len) {
       print (char) addr->0;
       addr++; len--;

[ SayMisunderstoodWords ix addr len;
   for (ix=wn-1 : ix <= num_words; ix++) {
     if (ix ~= wn-1) print " ";
     addr = WordAddress(ix);
     len = WordLength(ix);
     while (len) {
       print (char) addr->0;
       addr++; len--;

Parser Error Details ends here.