Phrases for Tables with Topics by Ron Newcomb

Version 3

"This grants five new phrases regarding the player's command, the matched text, and the topic understood: if one is a topic listed in a table, if one includes or matches a topic listed in a table, what corresponds to one within a table, and the last phrase corrects a bug so the topic understood may be used within an understand-as-mistake line."
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Copy Include Phrases for Tables with Topics by Ron Newcomb to clipboard Include Phrases for Tables with Topics by Ron Newcomb.
The player's command, the topic understood (known as "[text]" in an Understand line), and the matched text (usually used in an After Reading A Command rule) are all of a kind called a "snippet". This extension grants four new phrases to be used with them, and one phrase that corrects a bug in Inform.

*: if (a snippet) is a topic listed in (a table)

For use like:
Understand "[text]" as a mistake ("(No, that's not quite right.)") when the player's command is not a topic listed in the table of magic words.

*: if (a snippet) includes (a 'topic' column) listed in (a table)

For use like:
The Spanish Inquisition ends when the player's command includes a topic listed in the table of magic words.

*: if (a snippet) matches (a 'topic' column) listed in (a table)

For use like:
After reading a command when the player's command matches a topic listed in the table of magic words: ...

*: which K is (a K-valued table column) corresponding to a topic of (a snippet) in (a table)

For use like:
When the Spanish Inquisition ends, say the response corresponding to a topic of the player's command from the table of magic words.

And finally:
*: "[fix the topic understood]"

For use like:
Understand "[text]" as a mistake ("'[fix topic understood]We know that [topic understood] is not a magic word! You cannot fool us, witch!'").

*: which K is (a K valued table column) corresponding to row (a number) in (a table)

For use like:
say the response corresponding to row 2 in the table of magic words.

Example: * Fear and Surprise - A brief demonstration of power.

Copy "Fear and Surprise" to clipboard

Play "Fear and Surprise"

test me "All witches know magic words! Tell us, witch, what they are!"

Fear and Surprise
An Interactive Fiction
Release 1 / Serial number 220517 / Inform 7 v10.1.0 / D


>test me

>[1] no
That was a rhetorical question.

>[2] foo
"We know that foo is not a magic word! You cannot fool us, witch!"

>[3] plugh
In a swirl of feathers, you disappear!
As good-looking as ever.

>[4] foo
I didn't understand that sentence.

"Fear and Surprise"

Include Phrases for Tables with Topics by Ron Newcomb.

The cathedral is a room. There is a woman called witch. The player is a witch.

The Spanish Inquisition is a scene. "'All witches know magic words! Tell us, witch, what they are!'"
The Spanish Inquisition begins when play begins.
The Spanish Inquisition ends when the player's command includes a topic listed in the table of magic words.
When the Spanish Inquisition ends, say the response corresponding to a topic of the player's command from the table of magic words.

Table of magic words
"xyzzy" "Suddenly you pop out of existence!"
"plugh" "In a swirl of feathers, you disappear!"

Understand "[text]" as a mistake ("'[fix topic understood]We know that [topic understood] is not a magic word! You cannot fool us, witch!'") when the Spanish Inquisition is happening and the player's command is not a topic listed in the table of magic words.

After reading a command when the player's command matches a topic listed in the table of magic words:
   follow the scene changing rules;
   replace the player's command with "x me";
   move the player to the forest.

The forest is a room.

Test me with "no / foo / plugh / foo".
Version 3 of Phrases for Tables with Topics by Ron Newcomb begins here.

"This grants five new phrases regarding the player's command, the matched text, and the topic understood: if one is a topic listed in a table, if one includes or matches a topic listed in a table, what corresponds to one within a table, and the last phrase corrects a bug so the topic understood may be used within an understand-as-mistake line."

[There's 3 snippets: the player's command, the topic understood ("[text]"), and the matched text ("matches/includes") ]

To decide whether (player's topic - a snippet) is a/the/any/-- topic listed in (tab - a table name):
   repeat through tab:
     if the player's topic includes the topic entry, decide yes;
   decide no.

To decide whether (snip - a snippet) includes (col - a table column) listed in (tab - a table name):
(- (IfSnippetIncludesTableColumn({snip}, {col}, {tab})) -).

Include (-
[ IfSnippetIncludesTableColumn snip col tab row;
    if (snip < 101) rfalse;
    for (row=1 : row<=TableRows(tab) : row++)
       if ((TableRowIsBlank(tab, row)==false) && (( (matched_text=SnippetIncludes(TableLookUpEntry(tab, col, row), snip)) )) )

To decide whether (snip - a snippet) matches (col - a table column) listed in (tab - a table name):
(- (IfSnippetMatchesTableColumn({snip}, {col}, {tab})) -).

Include (-
[ IfSnippetMatchesTableColumn snip col tab row;
    if (snip < 101) rfalse;
    for (row=1 : row<=TableRows(tab) : row++)
       if ((TableRowIsBlank(tab, row)==false) && (( (matched_text=SnippetMatches(snip, TableLookUpEntry(tab, col, row))) )) )

To decide which K is (col - a value of kind K valued table column) corresponding to a/the/-- topic of (player's topic - a snippet) in/from (tab - a table name):
   repeat through tab:
     if the player's topic includes the topic entry, decide on the contents of col;
   decide on the default value of K.

To decide which K is the contents of (col - a value of kind K valued table column): (- (TableLookUpEntry(ct_0, {col}, ct_1)) -).

Include (-
[ CorrespondingTopic snip col tab row foo;
    if (snip < 101) rfalse;
    for (row=1 : row<=TableRows(tab) : row++)
      if (TableRowIsBlank(tab, row)==false)
   foo = TableLookUpEntry(tab, col, row);
   if (matched_text=SnippetIncludes(foo, snip)) return foo;

To decide which K is (col - a value of kind K valued table column) corresponding to row (N - a number) in/from/of (tab - a table name):
   choose row N in tab;
   decide on the contents of col.

To say fix the/-- topic understood: now the parsed number is (consult_from multiplied by 100) + consult_words.
[use like:
Understand "[text]" as a mistake ("[fix the topic understood]About [the topic understood]...").

Section - exposing I6 - unindexed

Parsed number is a number that varies. Parsed number variable translates into I6 as "parsed_number".
consult_from is a number that varies. consult_from variable translates into I6 as "consult_from".
consult_words is a number that varies. consult_words variable translates into I6 as "consult_words".

Phrases for Tables with Topics ends here.