"Measured Liquid provides a concept of volume, together with the ability to fill containers, pour measured amounts of liquid, and drink from containers. It handles mixtures as well, if desired. It is compatible with, but does not require, the Metric Units extension by Graham Nelson."
Inclusion of this extension will result in a compilation error without some particular accompanying code. For test purposes, the following was added:
A four-foot-high novelty daquiri glass is a fluid container.
Include Measured Liquid by Emily Short.
Measured Liquid provides a concept of volume, kinds for fluid containers and liquid sources, and actions for pouring, drinking, and swimming. It handles mixture recipes and allows players to combine liquids to produce new ones. It also provides full support for non-player characters to use the same actions. Measured Liquid can be used with the Metric Units extension by Graham Nelson, or on its own, in which case it will assume the use of Imperial units. (Note that Metric Units requires Glulx.) The inclusion of Assorted Text Generation by Emily Short will add some additional detail to the description of partially-filled containers, but that extension is not required. Chapter: New Units Section: Volumes Volumes are by default measured in fl oz, fluid ounces; but should we prefer metric measurement, including Metric Units by Graham Nelson will handle all volumes in milliliters/cubic centimeters instead. In the event that neither fluid ounces nor milliliters are suitable for a project, or we want to use mL but without committing to Glulx as Metric Units requires, we may safely alter the units of volume however we wish by replacing the relevant section of this extension. For instance, if we wanted to go a bit cookery-crazy and use nothing but teaspoons for measurement, we might write: Section 1 - Definition (in place of Section 1I - Definition (for use without Metric Units by Graham Nelson) in Measured Liquid by Emily Short) A volume is a kind of value. 1 tsp specifies a volume. A fluid container has a volume called a fluid capacity. A fluid container has a volume called fluid content. The fluid capacity of a fluid container is usually 50 tsp. The fluid content of a fluid container is usually 0 tsp. The sip size is a volume that varies. The sip size is usually 1 tsp. The max volume is a volume that varies. The max volume is 2147483647 tsp. (Note that our max volume should be 2147483647 of the base unit if we are compiling for Glulx, or 32767 if compiling for the Z-machine, as these are the maximum possible values.) Chapter: New Kinds Section: Liquids Liquids are a kind of value in the present system. By default, only water and a null value, "nonliquid", are defined, but we may revise the list by adding entries to the Table of Liquids, like this: Table of Liquids (continued)
The potable entry indicates whether the liquid can be drunk. The flavor sentence is optional, but is used to construct more interesting results for tasting and drinking, as demonstrated below. Providing a flavor sentence for a non-potable liquid will never have any interesting effect. Section: Fluid containers and their descriptions A fluid container is assigned a liquid and two volumes. The liquid is whatever the container contained last (or perhaps still contains). The volumes are the fluid capacity (how much it could possibly contain at maximum) and the fluid content (how much it does contain at the moment). Like regular containers, fluid containers respond to examination by adding a line of text about their contents, as in: >EXAMINE TUMBLER A heavy tumbler with gold flecks in the glass. The tumbler is about half full of scotch. For the purpose of puzzles involving measurement, a fluid container can be "graduated" or "ungraduated". Containers are ungraduated by default, and will only declare proportional information about the amount they contain, as in The pitcher is full of absinthe. The pitcher is mostly full of absinthe. The pitcher is about half full of absinthe. The pitcher is mostly empty of absinthe. Including Assorted Text Generation by Emily Short will make this proportional information more detailed, as in The cup is approximately three quarters full of water. Graduated fluid containers always give the exact measurement of their content, thus: The pitcher contains 8.8 fl oz of absinthe. If we want to make more substantial changes to the way a fluid container is described with respect to its contents, we may do this with the describing the fullness activity. This activity should print only the text that comes after the name of the object, and should end with no line break. For instance, one of the describing fullness rules currently is Rule for describing the fullness of a non-empty graduated emptyable fluid container (called the sample cup) (this is the describe graduated containers rule): say "contain[s] [the fluid content of the sample cup] of [the liquid of the sample cup].[no line break]"; This produces the text that is shown on examining a fluid container, and sometimes after pouring. We can also remove the entire rule that prints this content, as in *: The examining fluid containers rule is not listed in any rulebook. ...but this approach should be handled with caution. If we take this rule out and also do not define any description text for the fluid container, the Standard Rules' "examining containers" rule will run and print something like "The pitcher is empty" because the pitcher contains no solid objects, even if the pitcher is in fact brimming with Belgian ale at the time. Section: Fluid containers and solid objects By default the player is prevented from putting solid objects into any fluid container. This prevents many complicated situations where part of the volume of a glass might be displaced by a a metal cube, where a cork might float on the surface of some wine, where a handwritten note might be put into a coffee cup and rendered illegible, where a scrap of cloth might be discolored by its contact with red fruit punch, and so on. If we want to remove this constraint, we can unlist it by writing *: The can't put solids into a fluid container rule is not listed in any rulebook. ...but then it's up to us to deal with the implications, whatever those might be. Section: Inserting fluid containers By default, we are not allowed to put an open, non-empty fluid container into another portable container, because it's likely to spill. (Fixed in place or scenery containers are exempt, to allow for refrigerators, cabinets, and similar installations.) This gets around the nonsensical situation of stowing a vase full of water into a backpack and then coming back later to find that the water all stayed in. If we do want to allow this after all, we can unlist the relevant rule thus: *: The can't stash full cups rule is not listed in any rulebook. If Measured Liquid is used alongside Jon Ingold's Considerate Holdall extension, it will provide holdall a rule so that the game does not even attempt to stash an open non-empty container. The rule in question is the don't try to stash full cups rule. Section: Cleaning fluid containers By default, when we drink from something, even an empty cup retains a trace amount of the liquid it used to contain. This information is used in descriptions of the cup, and is also used to determine reactions if we try to DRINK JUICE after the juice cup is already emptied. Further, the game will assume we want to fill the container with more of whatever it previously contained, if that option is available. Only an explicit command to RUB (or CLEAN, which is the same action) the cup will remove this trace; if we do that, however, its liquid is changed back to the null value, nonliquid. To remove this behavior, add: *: Use no trace amounts. whereupon drinking or pouring will always leave vessels empty and the behavior of RUB will not be interfered with. Section: Liquid Sources Fluid containers have a sub-kind called a liquid source. Liquid sources are supplies of water that flow eternally and never run out; it doesn't matter how much we take from this source. Yet further sub-kinds are the liquid lake and the liquid stream. The liquid lake represents a body of water large enough to swim in, and into which we can safely empty smaller containers without significantly diluting the content. Lakes are also relevant to the swim verb (see below). The liquid stream is better used for fountains, faucets, and other flows of liquid that provide a constant supply but no standing body of liquid. Chapter: New Actions Section: Drinking The player is allowed to drink liquids from a fluid container, assuming those liquids have not been defined to be not potable. By default, the output is one of the following, depending on whether the supply is depleted as a result: You take a sip of (the liquid). You take a sip of (the liquid), leaving (the container) empty. If we have defined a flavor sentence for that liquid, that is added as the next sentence, as in: You take a sip of fruit punch, leaving the glass empty. The flavor is exceptionally cloying. The amount of liquid swallowed by a sip is determined by the sip size. By default the sip size is 2.0 fl oz, or (with Metric Units) 55 mL. These are not exactly equal volumes, but each is 1/6 the size of a standard-volume soda can, 12 fl oz or 330 mL, in the US and Britain respectively. Sometimes liquid measurement may be used as part of a puzzle in which we want the player to be compelled to measure things precisely. In this case, it might be desirable to make sips non-uniform in size so that the player cannot safely quantify liquids by sipping them. To do this, we have the option to Use variable sip size. When using variable sip size, the sip is subject to a variation of up to 2/3 the standard size of a sip. (So, for instance, if the sip size is set at 0.3 fl oz, the possible variation is up to 0.2 fl oz, with the result that any given sip might range in volume from 0.1 fl oz to 0.5 fl oz.) It will not be possible to have a sip size of 0 as a result of random variation. Finally, a fluid container can be "preferred for drinking". We can set this with, for instance: The cocktail glass is preferred for drinking. This indicates that, in any ambiguous case, the game should try to drink from that vessel rather than from something else. This makes it easier to implement polite player characters who prefer to drink from glasses rather than from the carton, even though both may contain the same kind of liquid. The drinking action has a liquid that varies, called "the liquid drunk". Section: Pouring and Filling This extension supports a wide range of pouring and filling grammar, including fill something with/from something pour something in/into/on/onto something mix something in/with something empty something into something By default, if the player types only FILL CUP the game will attempt to find a source that provides the same kind of liquid already in the cup in order to fill it back up; then it will default to some other liquid source, if no matching liquid source is available. The player is prohibited from pouring a container into itself, overfilling a container that is already full, or filling from an empty container. The pouring action has a liquid that varies, called "the liquid poured", and a volume that varies, called "the amount poured". These values can be used in constructing our own report rules to describe the action differently; for instance, we might write Report pouring something into a graduated container: say "You pour [the amount poured] of [the liquid poured] into [the second noun]." instead. if we wished to describe pouring more precisely in the context of volume-marked containers. Section: Simple Mixing By default, the player is not allowed to mix liquids of different types, since such mixtures make extra work for the author and may not always be desirable. Moreover, there is a text that varies which contains the refusal the player will receive, defined as follows: The liquid-mixture refusal is some text that varies. The liquid-mixture refusal is "That would mix [the liquid of the noun] with [the liquid of the second noun]." If we want to keep the default behavior but change the message, we should alter the liquid-mixture refusal, as in When play begins: now the liquid-mixture refusal is "[The person asked] dare not mix liquids!" ...or some similar message, bearing in mind that if characters other than the player can be persuaded to pour liquids, their responses as well as the player's will be handled by the liquid-mixture refusal. If we do want to mix liquids, we may write Use mixed liquids. With this use option enabled, we allow the player to mix together liquids to produce new ones. In order to indicate how drinks should work, we must include all the liquids that can be mixed, as well as all their components, in our Table of Liquids, like so: Table of Liquids (continued)
liquid potable flavor
cranberry juice true "It tastes deliciously tangy."
vodka true "It doesn't taste like much except alcohol."
crantini true "It's cranberry juice, but with more of a kick."
And we must also provide an exhaustive collection of recipes in the form Table of Liquid Mixtures (continued)
mix-list result
{cranberry juice, vodka} crantini
If the player combines two liquids in any proportion, they create a third liquid as determined by a list of mixture components. Section: Mixing with Quantified Ingredients By default, there is no attempt to determine whether the mixture involves precise quantities of elements; if we want that, we should provide our own, more precise specification of how mixture components are to behave. We can do this by meddling with the liquid-mixing rulebook, which currently contains two rules: "keep same recipe as before rule", which makes no change if we're pouring more of a component into a recipe that already contains that component, and the "create mixtures" rule, which applies the rather simple criteria we currently use. De-listing those and replacing them with more exacting rules will alter the behavior of mixture. The following rulebook variables may be useful: The liquid-mixing rulebook has a fluid container called the destination container. The liquid-mixing rulebook has a list of liquids called the recipe contents. The recipe contents are always sorted when they're created, so that they can be reliably checked against other liquid lists. The liquid-mixing rulebook is called during the phase of setting action variables for pouring, which means that if it has results, the choice of result will be saved as "the resulting liquid". The example "Exactitude", below, shows off one possible way to edit this rulebook to provide stricter kinds of mixing simulation. Section: Swimming By default, the player is not allowed to swim, but the verb is implemented in order to provide sensible responses in a range of situations. The command to swim will produce the message There's nothing sensible to swim in. unless the player can see a liquid lake, in which case he'll be told You don't feel like a dip in (the liquid lake) just now. SWIM IN (some specific item) will also be understood, though again there will be a default refusal in all cases. If we want to allow swimming in liquid lakes, we should begin by unlisting the block swimming rule, as in The block swimming in liquid lakes rule is not listed in any rulebook. ...and then supplying some carry out rules for swimming. Example: * Lakeshore - A lakeshore with a lake as a liquid source, an openable graduated flask that can be used to drink from it, and examples of attempted swimming.
test meLakeshore
An Interactive Fiction
Release 1 / Serial number 220517 / Inform 7 v10.1.0 / D
>test me
>[1] swim
You don't feel like a dip in the lake just now.
>[2] swim in flask
You wouldn't fit in the flask.
>[3] fill flask
(first opening the flask)
You fill the flask up with water from the lake.
>[4] x flask
The flask contains 10.0 fl oz of water.
>[5] close flask
You close the flask.
>[6] drink from flask
(first opening the flask)
You take a sip of water. Refreshing!
>[7] x flask
The flask contains 8.0 fl oz of water.
>[8] in
>[9] swim
There's nothing sensible to swim in.
>[10] drink from flask
You take a sip of water. Refreshing!
>[11] x flask
The flask contains 6.0 fl oz of water.
>[12] swim in the water
You wouldn't fit in the flask of water.
"Lakeshore" Include Measured Liquid by Emily Short. Lakeside is a room. Inside from Lakeside is a Shack. The lake is a liquid lake in Lakeside. The liquid of the lake is water. The player carries a graduated closed openable fluid container called a flask. The fluid capacity of the flask is 10.0 fl oz. Test me with "swim / swim in flask / fill flask / x flask / close flask / drink from flask / x flask / in / swim / drink from flask / x flask / swim in the water".
Example: * Lakeshore Swim - A lakeshore where the player can swim successfully.
test meLakeshore Swim
An Interactive Fiction
Release 1 / Serial number 220517 / Inform 7 v10.1.0 / D
>test me
>[1] swim
You go for a swim in the lake and come out much refreshed.
"Lakeshore Swim" Include Measured Liquid by Emily Short. Lakeside is a room. Inside from Lakeside is a Shack. The lake is a liquid lake in Lakeside. The liquid of the lake is water. The player carries a graduated closed openable fluid container called a flask. The fluid capacity of the flask is 10.0 fl oz. The block swimming in liquid lakes rule is not listed in any rulebook. Report swimming in the lake: say "You go for a swim in the lake and come out much refreshed." Test me with "swim".
Example: * Metric Lakeshore - As above, but in cubic centimeters. Note that this example will compile only if our settings panel is set to Glulx.
test meMetric Lakeshore
An Interactive Fiction
Release 1 / Serial number 220517 / Inform 7 v10.1.0 / D
>test me
>[1] swim
You don't feel like a dip in the lake just now.
>[2] swim in flask
You wouldn't fit in the flask.
>[3] fill flask
(first opening the flask)
You fill the flask up with water from the lake.
>[4] x flask
The flask contains 300.0 cc of water.
>[5] close flask
You close the flask.
>[6] drink from flask
(first opening the flask)
You take a sip of water. Refreshing!
>[7] x flask
The flask contains 245.0 cc of water.
>[8] in
>[9] swim
There's nothing sensible to swim in.
>[10] drink from flask
You take a sip of water. Refreshing!
>[11] x flask
The flask contains 190.0 cc of water.
>[12] swim in the water
You wouldn't fit in the flask of water.
"Metric Lakeshore" Include Metric Units by Graham Nelson. Include Measured Liquid by Emily Short. Lakeside is a room. Inside from Lakeside is a Shack. The lake is a liquid lake in Lakeside. The liquid of the lake is water. The player carries a graduated closed openable fluid container called a flask. The fluid capacity of the flask is 300 mL. Test me with "swim / swim in flask / fill flask / x flask / close flask / drink from flask / x flask / in / swim / drink from flask / x flask / swim in the water".
Example: ** Chemist's Lakeshore - Now we let the player type POUR 1.0 FL OZ OF LAKE WATER INTO FLASK, using measurements whenever the target vessel is graduated. In a more deluxe simulation, we might want to let the player specify quantities less than the total volume of the recipient vessel when pouring into a graduated container than can measure amounts. This feature isn't built into the body of the extension because it's likely to be counterproductive in the majority of cases, as it would actually oversimplify puzzles that deal in working out how to transfer the right amount of liquid. All the same, it may be useful for some. While the example uses a slightly fiddly parsing trick to handle the three-variable input line (as in "POUR [some volume] OF [some liquid] INTO [some container]"), the trick does work even in commands to other characters, as in "CLARK, POUR 1.3 FL OZ OF LAKE WATER INTO FLASK."
test meChemist's Lakeshore
An Interactive Fiction
Release 1 / Serial number 220517 / Inform 7 v10.1.0 / D
>test me
>[1] pour 1.0 fl oz of lake into pitcher
You have no way to measure precisely 1.0 fl oz of anything while pouring into an ungraduated receptacle.
>[2] pour 1.0 fl oz from lake into flask
(first opening the flask)
You fill the flask up with water from the lake.
>[3] x flask
The flask contains 1.0 fl oz of water.
>[4] pour 2.0 fl oz of lake into flask
You fill the flask up with water from the lake.
>[5] x flask
The flask contains 3.0 fl oz of water.
>[6] pour 0.3 fl oz of lake into flask
The flask cannot contain any more than it already holds.
>[7] pour flask into lake
You dump out the flask into the lake.
>[8] pour 1.0 fl oz of lake water into flask
You fill the flask up with water from the lake.
>[9] pour flask into pitcher
You pour water into the pitcher, leaving the flask empty. It is mostly empty of water.
>[10] pour 2.5 fl oz of pitcher into flask
There's not that much liquid in the pitcher.
"Chemist's Lakeshore" Include Measured Liquid by Emily Short. The set volume is a volume that varies. After reading a command: if the player's command includes "pour [a volume] of " or the player's command includes "pour [a volume] from ": now the set volume is the volume understood; replace the matched text with "pour". Check an actor pouring something into something when the set volume is not null volume: if the second noun is ungraduated: if the player is the actor: say "[We][have] no way to measure precisely [set volume] of anything while pouring into an ungraduated receptacle."; now the set volume is the null volume; rule fails; if the set volume is greater than the fluid capacity of the second noun: if the player is the actor: say "[The second noun][don't] measure that high."; now the set volume is the null volume; rule fails; if the set volume is greater than the fluid content of the noun: if the player is the actor: say "[There's] not that much liquid in [the noun]."; now the set volume is the null volume; rule fails. Carry out an actor pouring something into something when the set volume is not null volume: increase the fluid content of the second noun by set volume; decrease the fluid content of the noun by set volume; if the noun is empty and the no trace amounts option is active: now the liquid of the noun is nonliquid; now the set volume is null volume; rule succeeds. Lakeside is a room. Inside from Lakeside is a Shack. The lake is a liquid lake in Lakeside. The liquid of the lake is water. The player carries a graduated closed openable fluid container called a flask. The fluid capacity of the flask is 3.0 fl oz. The pitcher is a fluid container carried by the player. The fluid capacity of the pitcher is 20.0 fl oz. Test me with "pour 1.0 fl oz of lake into pitcher / pour 1.0 fl oz from lake into flask / x flask / pour 2.0 fl oz of lake into flask / x flask / pour 0.3 fl oz of lake into flask / pour flask into lake / pour 1.0 fl oz of lake water into flask / pour flask into pitcher / pour 2.5 fl oz of pitcher into flask".
Example: * Poisons - A drink that has a strong effect on the drinker. The main thing to note about this is that we want to make the poison count as potable, so that the player will be able to drink it -- and then intervene after the foolish swallow, to make something interesting happen next.
test mePoisons
An Interactive Fiction
Release 1 / Serial number 220517 / Inform 7 v10.1.0 / D
Room of Doom
>test me
>[1] drink vial
*** You have died in agony ***
Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last command?
"Poisons" Include Measured Liquid by Emily Short. Room of Doom is a room. The vial is a fluid container. The fluid capacity of the vial is 1.0 fl oz. The fluid content of the vial is 1.0 fl oz. The liquid of the vial is poison. The vial is carried by the player. Table of Liquids (continued)
liquidpotableflavor poisontrue"It makes you ill."
After drinking something: if the liquid drunk is poison: end the story saying "You have died in agony"; otherwise: make no decision. Test me with "drink vial".
Example: * Guzzle and Gulp - Adding GULP and GUZZLE verbs alongside DRINK to allow the player to take different sizes of sip at will. GULP drinks a very large sip, while GUZZLE consumes all the liquid in a container in a single move. Demonstrates the use of sip size.
test meGuzzle and Gulp
An Interactive Fiction
Release 1 / Serial number 220517 / Inform 7 v10.1.0 / D
>test me
>[1] fill flask
(first opening the flask)
You fill the flask up with water from the lake.
>[2] sip flask
You take a sip of water. Refreshing!
>[3] g
You take a sip of water. Refreshing!
>[4] g
You take a sip of water. Refreshing!
>[5] g
You take a sip of water. Refreshing!
>[6] g
You take a sip of water. Refreshing!
>[7] g
You take a sip of water, leaving the flask empty. Refreshing!
>[8] fill flask
You fill the flask up with water from the lake.
>[9] gulp flask
You take a long drink of water.
>[10] g
You take a long drink of water.
>[11] g
You finish off the water in one long swig.
>[12] fill flask
You fill the flask up with water from the lake.
>[13] guzzle flask
You toss back all the water at once.
>[14] g
There's no more water in the flask.
"Guzzle and Gulp" Include Measured Liquid by Emily Short. Lakeside is a room. The lake is a liquid lake in Lakeside. The liquid of the lake is water. The player carries a closed openable fluid container called a flask. Understand "gulp [something]" as gulping. Understand "gulp [a fluid container]" as gulping. Gulping is an action applying to one thing. Carry out gulping: let old sip size be the sip size; now the sip size is 5.0 fl oz; try drinking the noun; now the sip size is the old sip size. Report drinking something when the sip size is greater than 2.0 fl oz: say "[We][take] a long drink of [the liquid of the noun]." instead. Understand "guzzle [something]" as guzzling. Understand "guzzle [a fluid container]" as guzzling. Guzzling is an action applying to one thing. Carry out guzzling: let old sip size be the sip size; now the sip size is the fluid content of the noun; try drinking the noun; now the sip size is the old sip size. To toss is a verb. To finish is a verb. Report drinking something when the sip size is greater than 5.0 fl oz and the noun is empty: say "[We][toss] back all the [liquid of the noun] at once." instead. Report drinking something when the sip size is greater than 2.0 fl oz and the noun is empty: say "[We][finish] off the [liquid of the noun] in one long swig." instead. Test me with "fill flask / sip flask / g / g / g / g / g / fill flask / gulp flask / g / g / fill flask / guzzle flask / g".
Example: * Cranvodka - An example of liquids that cannot be mixed.
test meCranvodka
An Interactive Fiction
Release 1 / Serial number 220517 / Inform 7 v10.1.0 / D
You can see a table (on which are an empty cocktail glass, a bottle of vodka and a pitcher of cranberry juice) here.
>test me
>[1] pour vodka in glass
(first taking the bottle)
You pour vodka into the cocktail glass.
>[2] drink vodka
(the cocktail glass of vodka)
(first taking the cocktail glass of vodka)
You take a sip of vodka. It doesn't taste like much except alcohol.
>[3] fill glass
You pour vodka into the cocktail glass.
>[4] pour cranberry juice in glass
The cocktail glass cannot contain any more than it already holds.
>[5] drink cranberry juice
(first taking the pitcher of cranberry juice)
You take a sip of cranberry juice. It tastes deliciously tangy.
>[6] drink vodka
(the cocktail glass of vodka)
You take a sip of vodka. It doesn't taste like much except alcohol.
>[7] pour cranberry juice in glass
You don't want to mix cranberry juice with vodka.
"Cranvodka" Include Measured Liquid by Emily Short. Table of Liquids (continued)
liquidpotableflavor cranberry juicetrue"It tastes deliciously tangy." vodkatrue"It doesn't taste like much except alcohol."
The Verandah is a room. The table is a supporter in the verandah. The table supports a cocktail glass, a bottle, and a pitcher. The cocktail glass, the bottle, and the pitcher are fluid containers. The cocktail glass is preferred for drinking. The fluid capacity of the cocktail glass is 4.0 fl oz. The fluid capacity of the bottle is 33.8 fl oz. The fluid content of the bottle is 33.8 fl oz. The liquid of the bottle is vodka. The fluid capacity of the pitcher is 28.0 fl oz. The fluid content of the pitcher is 10.0 fl oz. The liquid of the pitcher is cranberry juice. Test me with "pour vodka in glass / drink vodka / fill glass / pour cranberry juice in glass / drink cranberry juice / drink vodka / pour cranberry juice in glass".
Example: * Crantini - An example of liquids that can be mixed, producing new liquids.
test meCrantini
An Interactive Fiction
Release 1 / Serial number 220517 / Inform 7 v10.1.0 / D
You can see a table (on which are an empty cocktail glass, a bottle of vodka and a pitcher of cranberry juice) here.
>test me
>[1] pour vodka in glass
(first taking the bottle)
You pour vodka into the cocktail glass.
>[2] drink vodka
(the cocktail glass of vodka)
(first taking the cocktail glass of vodka)
You take a sip of vodka. It doesn't taste like much except alcohol.
>[3] fill glass
You pour vodka into the cocktail glass.
>[4] pour cranberry juice in glass
The cocktail glass cannot contain any more than it already holds.
>[5] drink cranberry juice
(first taking the pitcher of cranberry juice)
You take a sip of cranberry juice. It tastes deliciously tangy.
>[6] drink vodka
(the cocktail glass of vodka)
You take a sip of vodka. It doesn't taste like much except alcohol.
>[7] pour cranberry juice in glass
You pour cranberry juice into the cocktail glass. It is full of crantini.
>[8] drink crantini
You take a sip of crantini. It's a feisty cranberry beverage.
>[9] pour cranberry juice in glass
You pour cranberry juice into the cocktail glass.
"Crantini" Include Measured Liquid by Emily Short. Table of Liquids (continued)
liquidpotableflavor cranberry juicetrue"It tastes deliciously tangy." vodkatrue"It doesn't taste like much except alcohol." crantinitrue"It's a feisty cranberry beverage."
Use mixed liquids. Table of Liquid Mixtures (continued)
mix-listresult {cranberry juice, vodka}crantini
The Verandah is a room. The table is a supporter in the verandah. The table supports a cocktail glass, a bottle, and a pitcher. The cocktail glass, the bottle, and the pitcher are fluid containers. The cocktail glass is preferred for drinking. The fluid capacity of the cocktail glass is 4.0 fl oz. The fluid capacity of the bottle is 33.8 fl oz. The fluid content of the bottle is 33.8 fl oz. The liquid of the bottle is vodka. The fluid capacity of the pitcher is 28.0 fl oz. The fluid content of the pitcher is 10.0 fl oz. The liquid of the pitcher is cranberry juice. Test me with "pour vodka in glass / drink vodka / fill glass / pour cranberry juice in glass / drink cranberry juice / drink vodka / pour cranberry juice in glass / drink crantini / pour cranberry juice in glass".
Example: * Clarktini - The same as before, but this time with our servant Clark doing all the mixing and drinking.
test meClarktini
An Interactive Fiction
Release 1 / Serial number 220517 / Inform 7 v10.1.0 / D
You can see a table (on which are an empty cocktail glass, a bottle of vodka and a pitcher of cranberry juice) and Clark here.
>test me
>[1] clark, pour vodka in glass
Clark pours vodka into the cocktail glass.
>[2] clark, drink vodka
(the cocktail glass)
Clark takes a sip of vodka.
>[3] clark, fill glass
Clark pours vodka into the cocktail glass.
>[4] clark, pour cranberry juice in glass
The cocktail glass cannot contain any more than it already holds.
>[5] clark, drink cranberry juice
Clark takes a sip of cranberry juice.
>[6] clark, drink vodka
(the cocktail glass)
Clark takes a sip of vodka.
>[7] clark, pour cranberry juice in glass
Clark pours cranberry juice into the cocktail glass. The cocktail glass is full of crantini.
>[8] clark, drink crantini
Clark takes a sip of crantini.
>[9] g
Clark takes a sip of crantini, leaving the cocktail glass empty.
>[10] g
The cocktail glass contains nothing.
"Clarktini" Include Measured Liquid by Emily Short. Table of Liquids (continued)
liquidpotableflavor cranberry juicetrue"It tastes deliciously tangy." vodkatrue"It doesn't taste like much except alcohol." crantinitrue"It's a feisty cranberry beverage."
Use mixed liquids. Table of Liquid Mixtures (continued)
mix-listresult { cranberry juice, vodka }crantini
The Verandah is a room. The table is a supporter in the verandah. The table supports a cocktail glass, a bottle, and a pitcher. The cocktail glass, the bottle, and the pitcher are fluid containers. The cocktail glass is preferred for drinking. The fluid capacity of the cocktail glass is 4.0 fl oz. The fluid capacity of the bottle is 33.8 fl oz. The fluid content of the bottle is 33.8 fl oz. The liquid of the bottle is vodka. The fluid capacity of the pitcher is 28.0 fl oz. The fluid content of the pitcher is 10.0 fl oz. The liquid of the pitcher is cranberry juice. Clark is a man in the Verandah. Persuasion rule for asking Clark to try doing something: persuasion succeeds. Test me with "clark, pour vodka in glass / clark, drink vodka / clark, fill glass / clark, pour cranberry juice in glass / clark, drink cranberry juice / clark, drink vodka / clark, pour cranberry juice in glass / clark, drink crantini / g / g".
Example: * Crashtini - A pyrotechnic variation in which the wrong mixture of liquids explodes both containers entirely. Demonstrates using the "resulting liquid" variable in the pouring it into action.
test meCrashtini
An Interactive Fiction
Release 1 / Serial number 220517 / Inform 7 v10.1.0 / D
You can see a table (on which are an empty cocktail glass, a bottle of fire vodka and a pitcher of gunpowder juice) here.
>test me
>[1] pour fire vodka in glass
(first taking the bottle)
You pour fire vodka into the cocktail glass.
>[2] drink fire vodka
(the cocktail glass of fire vodka)
(first taking the cocktail glass of fire vodka)
You take a sip of fire vodka. It's hot, gaggingly hot, all the way down your esophagus.
>[3] fill glass
You pour fire vodka into the cocktail glass.
>[4] pour gunpowder juice in glass
The cocktail glass cannot contain any more than it already holds.
>[5] drink gunpowder juice
(first taking the pitcher of gunpowder juice)
You take a sip of gunpowder juice. It has a sultry, smoky flavor, and makes you think of cannons and siege warfare.
>[6] drink fire vodka
(the cocktail glass of fire vodka)
You take a sip of fire vodka. It's hot, gaggingly hot, all the way down your esophagus.
>[7] pour gunpowder juice in glass
When the liquids touch, there is an enormous BANG!, destroying both vessels and leaving you with soot all over your face.
>[8] drink crantini
You can't see any such thing.
>[9] pour cranberry juice in glass
You can't see any such thing.
"Crashtini" Include Measured Liquid by Emily Short. Table of Liquids (continued)
liquidpotableflavor gunpowder juicetrue"It has a sultry, smoky flavor, and makes you think of cannons and siege warfare." fire vodkatrue"It's hot, gaggingly hot, all the way down your esophagus." exploding crantinifalse--
Use mixed liquids. Table of Liquid Mixtures (continued)
mix-listresult { gunpowder juice, fire vodka }exploding crantini
The Verandah is a room. The table is a supporter in the verandah. The table supports a cocktail glass, a bottle, and a pitcher. The cocktail glass, the bottle, and the pitcher are fluid containers. The cocktail glass is preferred for drinking. The fluid capacity of the cocktail glass is 4.0 fl oz. The fluid capacity of the bottle is 33.8 fl oz. The fluid content of the bottle is 33.8 fl oz. The liquid of the bottle is fire vodka. The fluid capacity of the pitcher is 28.0 fl oz. The fluid content of the pitcher is 10.0 fl oz. The liquid of the pitcher is gunpowder juice. Last check pouring something into something: if the resulting liquid is exploding crantini: remove the noun from play; remove the second noun from play; say "When the liquids touch, there is an enormous BANG!, destroying both vessels and leaving you with soot all over your face." instead. Test me with "pour fire vodka in glass / drink fire vodka / fill glass / pour gunpowder juice in glass / drink gunpowder juice / drink fire vodka / pour gunpowder juice in glass / drink crantini / pour cranberry juice in glass".
Example: *** Exactitude - Requiring the player to use precise quantities of liquids to attain mixture results. Mixtures that are not included in the recipe book are rejected, so that the player can't make arbitrary combinations. Demonstrates using the liquid-mixture rulebook. We want to let the player specify exact amounts of liquid, so we build on "Chemist's Lakeshore", above, to include precise measurements with graduated containers. We also add to the liquid-mixture rulebook to supply a more demanding set of criteria for how recipes are matched. WARNING: Please note that this example works only under Glulx. It should not be compiled for the Z-machine, or it will produce a programming error on the startup of the game.
test meExactitude
An Interactive Fiction
Release 1 / Serial number 220517 / Inform 7 v10.1.0 / D
You can see a table (on which are an empty cocktail glass, a bottle of vodka and a pitcher of cranberry juice) here.
>test me
>[1] pour 1.0 fl oz of vodka into jigger
You pour vodka into the jigger. It contains 1.0 fl oz of vodka.
>[2] pour jigger into glass
You pour vodka into the cocktail glass, leaving the jigger empty. It is about half full of vodka.
>[3] pour 1.2 fl oz of cranberry juice into jigger
You pour cranberry juice into the jigger. It contains 1.2 fl oz of cranberry juice.
>[4] pour jigger into glass
You pour cranberry juice into the cocktail glass, leaving the jigger empty. It is about half full of watery crantini.
>[5] drink watery crantini
(first taking the cocktail glass of watery crantini)
You take a sip of watery crantini. That's a bland cranberry beverage.
>[6] g
You take a sip of watery crantini. That's a bland cranberry beverage.
>[7] g
You take a sip of watery crantini. That's a bland cranberry beverage.
>[8] g
You take a sip of watery crantini. That's a bland cranberry beverage.
>[9] g
You take a sip of watery crantini, leaving the cocktail glass empty. That's a bland cranberry beverage.
>[10] g
There's no more watery crantini in the cocktail glass.
>[11] pour 1.2 fl oz of vodka into jigger
You pour vodka into the jigger. It contains 1.2 fl oz of vodka.
>[12] pour jigger into glass
You pour vodka into the cocktail glass, leaving the jigger empty. It is about half full of vodka.
>[13] pour 1.0 fl oz of cranberry juice into jigger
You pour cranberry juice into the jigger. It contains 1.0 fl oz of cranberry juice.
>[14] pour jigger into glass
You pour cranberry juice into the cocktail glass, leaving the jigger empty. It is about half full of correct crantini.
>[15] drink glass
You take a sip of correct crantini. That's a feisty cranberry beverage.
>[16] pour vodka in glass
That recipe isn't in your bartending book.
"Exactitude" Section 1 - Parsing POUR 1.0 FL OZ OF JUICE INTO JIGGER Include Measured Liquid by Emily Short. The set volume is a volume that varies. After reading a command: now the set volume is null volume; if the player's command includes "pour [a volume] of " or the player's command includes "pour [a volume] from ": now the set volume is the volume understood; replace the matched text with "pour". Check an actor pouring something into something when the set volume is not null volume: if the second noun is ungraduated: if the player is the actor: say "[We][have] no way to measure precisely [set volume] of anything while pouring into an ungraduated receptacle."; now the set volume is the null volume; rule fails; if the set volume is greater than the fluid capacity of the second noun: if the player is the actor: say "[The second noun][don't] measure that high."; now the set volume is the null volume; rule fails; if the set volume is greater than the fluid content of the noun: if the player is the actor: say "There [aren't] that much liquid in [the noun]."; now the set volume is the null volume; rule fails. Carry out an actor pouring something into something when the set volume is not null volume: increase the fluid content of the second noun by set volume; decrease the fluid content of the noun by set volume; if the noun is empty and the no trace amounts option is active: now the liquid of the noun is nonliquid; now the set volume is null volume; rule succeeds. Use mixed liquids. Section 2 - Restricting recipe matching The liquid-mixing rulebook has a list of volumes called the recipe quantities. The assign amounts rule is listed after the assign quantities while mixing rule in the liquid-mixing rules. A liquid-mixing rule for a volume (called the poured volume) (this is the assign amounts rule): repeat with item running through the recipe contents: if the item is the liquid of the noun: add the poured volume to the recipe quantities; otherwise: add the fluid content of the second noun to the recipe quantities. The picky drink rule is listed before the keep the same recipe as before rule in the liquid-mixing rules. This is the picky drink rule: repeat through the Table of Fussy Mixtures: if the recipe contents is the mix-list entry: if the recipe quantities is the quantity-list entry: rule succeeds with result result entry; Check pouring something into something when the liquid of the noun is not the liquid of the second noun and the second noun is non-empty: if the resulting liquid is not a result listed in the Table of Fussy Mixtures: say "[regarding the noun]That recipe [aren't] in [our] bartending book." instead. Section 3 - Scenario The Verandah is a room. The table is a supporter in the verandah. The table supports a cocktail glass, a bottle, and a pitcher. The cocktail glass, the bottle, and the pitcher are fluid containers. The cocktail glass is preferred for drinking. The fluid capacity of the cocktail glass is 4.0 fl oz. The fluid capacity of the bottle is 33.8 fl oz. The fluid content of the bottle is 33.8 fl oz. The liquid of the bottle is vodka. The fluid capacity of the pitcher is 28.0 fl oz. The fluid content of the pitcher is 10.0 fl oz. The liquid of the pitcher is cranberry juice. The jigger is a graduated fluid container. The fluid capacity of the jigger is 2.0 fl oz. The player carries the jigger. When play begins: now the sip size is 0.5 fl oz. Table of Liquids (continued)
liquidpotableflavor cranberry juicetrue"[regarding the noun][They][taste] deliciously tangy." vodkatrue"[regarding the noun][They][don't] taste like much except alcohol." correct crantinitrue"[regarding the noun][They're] a feisty cranberry beverage." watery crantinitrue"[regarding the noun][They're] a bland cranberry beverage." Understand "crantini" as correct crantini. Understand "crantini" as watery crantini.
Test me with "pour 1.0 fl oz of vodka into jigger / pour jigger into glass / pour 1.2 fl oz of cranberry juice into jigger / pour jigger into glass / drink watery crantini / g / g / g / g / g / pour 1.2 fl oz of vodka into jigger / pour jigger into glass / pour 1.0 fl oz of cranberry juice into jigger / pour jigger into glass / drink glass / pour vodka in glass".
Version 6/201125 of Measured Liquid by Emily Short begins here. "Measured Liquid provides a concept of volume, together with the ability to fill containers, pour measured amounts of liquid, and drink from containers. It handles mixtures as well, if desired. It is compatible with, but does not require, the Metric Units extension by Graham Nelson." [Updated for adaptive responses.] To hold is a verb. To contain is a verb. To clean is a verb. To fill is a verb. To dump is a verb. To must is a verb. To remain is a verb. To offer is a verb. To pour is a verb. To lead is a verb. To fit is a verb. Part 1 - Volumes and Capacities Chapter 1 - The fluid container Section 1 - The container A fluid container is a kind of container. A fluid container is either graduated or ungraduated. A fluid container is usually ungraduated. Check inserting something into a fluid container (this is the can't put solids into a fluid container rule): say "[The second noun][hold] only liquids." (A) instead. Understand the liquid property as describing a fluid container. Understand "of" as a fluid container. Understand "empty" as a fluid container when the item described is patently empty. Understand "closed" as a container when the item described is closed. Definition: a fluid container is patently empty: if it is not empty: no; if it is closed and it is not transparent: no; yes. Check an actor inserting a non-empty open fluid container into something (this is the can't stash full cups rule): if the second noun is fixed in place or the second noun is scenery: make no decision; [if we don't carry it around, it's probably not a liability.] if the second noun is part of something which is fixed in place: make no decision; if the second noun is part of something which is scenery: make no decision; if the actor is the player: say "That [would lead] to spills." (A); stop the action. Section 2 - Considerate holdall behavior (for use with Considerate Holdall by Jon Ingold) A holdall rule for a non-empty open fluid container (this is the don't try to stash full cups rule): disallow stashing. Chapter 2 - Volume (for Z-Machine only) Section 1I - Definition (for use without Metric Units by Graham Nelson) A volume is a kind of value. 15.9 fl oz (in Imperial units, in fl oz) specifies a volume with parts ounces and tenths. A fluid container has a volume called a fluid capacity. A fluid container has a volume called fluid content. The fluid capacity of a fluid container is usually 12.0 fl oz. The fluid content of a fluid container is usually 0.0 fl oz. The sip size is a volume that varies. The sip size is usually 2.0 fl oz. The max volume is a volume that varies. The max volume is 3276.7 fl oz. Chapter 2 - Volume (for Glulx only) Section 1I - Definition (for use without Metric Units by Graham Nelson) A volume is a kind of value. 15.9 fl oz (in Imperial units, in fl oz) specifies a volume with parts ounces and tenths. A fluid container has a volume called a fluid capacity. A fluid container has a volume called fluid content. The fluid capacity of a fluid container is usually 12.0 fl oz. The fluid content of a fluid container is usually 0.0 fl oz. The sip size is a volume that varies. The sip size is usually 2.0 fl oz. The max volume is a volume that varies. The max volume is 214748364.7 fl oz. Section 1M - Definition (for use with Metric Units by Graham Nelson) A fluid container has a volume called a fluid capacity. A fluid container has a volume called fluid content. The fluid capacity of a fluid container is usually 330 mL. The fluid content of a fluid container is usually 0 mL. The sip size is a volume that varies. The sip size is usually 55 mL. The max volume is a volume that varies. The max volume is 2147483647 mL. Chapter 3 - Emptiness The null volume is a volume that varies. [This will automatically be 0 in whichever units we happen to be using this time around, which is convenient for doing comparisons and setting values elsewhere in the code without having to refer to mL or fl oz explicitly.] Definition: a fluid container is empty if the fluid content of it is the null volume. Definition: a fluid container is non-empty if it is not empty. Definition: a fluid container is full if the fluid content of it is the fluid capacity of it. Chapter 4 - Prefixes and Suffixes Before printing the name of a fluid container (called the target) while not drinking or pouring (this is the prefix empties rule): if the current action is the action of opening the target: make no decision; if the person asked is the player and the target is patently empty: say "empty " (A); otherwise: make no decision; Before printing the plural name of a fluid container (called the target) while not drinking or pouring (this is the plural prefix empties rule): if the current action is the action of opening the target: make no decision; if the person asked is the player and the target is patently empty: say "empty " (A); otherwise: make no decision; Before printing the name of a closed transparent fluid container (called the target) while taking inventory (this is the prefix closedness rule): say "closed " (A). Rule for printing room description details of an empty fluid container (this is the don't append emptiness rule): stop. After printing the name of a fluid container (called the target) while not examining or searching or pouring (this is the suffix with contents rule): if the current action is the action of opening the target: do nothing; if the target is a liquid source: do nothing instead; if the target is closed and the target is not transparent: do nothing instead; if the person asked is not the player: do nothing instead; unless the target is empty: say " of [liquid of the target]" (A); omit contents in listing. After printing the plural name of a fluid container (called the target) while not examining or searching or pouring (this is the plural suffix with contents rule): if the current action is the action of opening the target: do nothing; if the target is a liquid source: do nothing instead; if the target is closed and the target is not transparent: do nothing instead; if the person asked is not the player: do nothing instead; unless the target is empty: say " of [liquid of the target]" (A); omit contents in listing. Report opening a fluid container when the noun is not transparent (this is the report fluid container contents on opening rule): say "[We][open][the noun], which [fill description of the noun][paragraph break]" instead. Chapter 5 - Room Description Details Rule for printing room description details of a fluid container: do nothing instead. Part 2 - Liquids Liquid is a kind of value. A fluid container has a liquid. Some liquids are defined by the Table of Liquids. Table of Liquids
To decide what text is the flavor of (beverage - a liquid): decide on flavor corresponding to a liquid of beverage in the Table of Liquids. To decide whether (beverage - a liquid) can be drunk: decide on potable corresponding to a liquid of beverage in the Table of Liquids. Use no trace amounts translates as (- Constant TRACES_OFF; -). Instead of an actor rubbing a fluid container (this is the clean away traces rule): if the no trace amounts option is active: make no decision; if the noun is not empty: say "[It's] hard to clean [the noun] while [they] still [contain] so much." (A); rule fails; if the liquid of the noun is not nonliquid: say "[The actor][clean] away all traces of [the liquid of the noun]." (B); now the liquid of the noun is nonliquid; rule succeeds; otherwise: say "[The noun][are] already clean." (C); rule succeeds. Part 3 - Liquid Sources Chapter 1 - The Liquid Source [And now we add our liquid source kind, which will represent streams of tap water, saltwater lakes, absinthe fountains, and any other infinite supplies of liquid we might need. The volume of a liquid source is always set to be the largest possible number of fluid ounces available to us, but this varies for the Z-machine and Glulx, so they are separately defined.] A liquid source is a kind of fluid container. A liquid source has a liquid. A liquid source is usually scenery. When play begins (this is the initialize liquid sources rule): repeat with item running through liquid sources: now the fluid capacity of the item is max volume; now the fluid content of the item is max volume. Carry out pouring a liquid source into something (this is the liquid sources stay full rule): now the fluid content of the noun is the max volume. Chapter 2 - Pouring from Liquid Sources [We want filling things from liquid sources to work the same way as usual, with the distinction that a) the liquid source never depletes in quantity (hence the carry-out rule resetting its fullness); and b) we should report the results a bit differently as well:] Report pouring a liquid source into a fluid container (this is the report filling from a liquid source rule): say "[We][fill][the second noun] up with [liquid of the noun] from [the noun]." (A) instead. Report someone pouring a liquid source into a fluid container (this is the report someone filling from a liquid source rule): say "[The actor][fill][the second noun] up with [liquid of the noun] from [the noun]." (A) instead. Part 4 - Lakes and streams Chapter 1 - Defining Lakes [A liquid lake is a large and potentially swimmable body of liquid in which objects could be lost. This doesn't cover every possible sort of liquid source, obviously: one might also have a fountain or tap that produced lots of liquid but was not suitable to swim in..] [Pouring liquids into a liquid lake needs to work completely differently from pouring liquids into anything else. Let's say we're going to allow any liquid at all to be dumped into rivers and streams (environmental protections evidently are not very well-enforced in this scenario):] A liquid lake is a kind of liquid source. Instead of an actor pouring a fluid container into a liquid lake (this is the dumping fluids rule): if the noun is empty: if the actor is not the player: stop the action; say "[The noun] already [contain] nothing." (A) instead; now the fluid content of the noun is null volume; if the actor is the player: say "[We][dump] out [the noun] into [the second noun]." (B); rule succeeds; otherwise if the actor is visible: say "[The actor][dump] out [the noun] into [the second noun]." (C); rule succeeds; Before an actor inserting something into a liquid lake (this is the can't throw objects in a liquid source rule): if the player is the actor: say "[The noun] would get lost and never be seen again." (A) instead; stop the action. Chapter 2 - Swimming Swimming in is an action applying to one thing. Understand "swim in [something]" or "dive in/into [something]" as swimming in. Understand "swim" or "dive" as swimming in. Rule for supplying a missing noun while an actor swimming in (this is the try to swim in visible lakes rule): if a liquid lake is visible: now the noun is a random visible liquid lake; otherwise: say "[There's] nothing sensible to swim in." (A); rule fails. Check an actor swimming in a liquid lake (this is the block swimming in liquid lakes rule): if the player is the actor: say "[We][don't] feel like a dip in [the noun] just [if story tense is present tense]now[otherwise]then[end if]." (A) instead; stop the action. Check an actor swimming in a fluid container (this is the block swimming in small vessels rule): if the noun is a liquid lake: make no decision; if the player is the actor: say "[We][wouldn't fit] in [the noun]." (A) instead; stop the action. Check an actor swimming in something (this is the block swimming in random objects rule): if the noun is a liquid lake: make no decision; if the player is the actor: say "[The noun][aren't][if the noun is plural-named]things[else]something[end if][we][can] swim in." (A) instead; stop the action. Chapter 3 - Liquid Stream A liquid stream is a kind of liquid source. Instead of an actor pouring a fluid container into a liquid stream (this is the no dumping in streams rule): if the noun is empty: if the player is the actor: say "[The noun] already [contain] nothing." (A) instead; stop the action; now the fluid content of the noun is null volume; if the player is the actor: say "[We][dump] out [the noun] into [the second noun], where [they][are] quickly washed away." (B); rule succeeds; otherwise if the actor is visible: say "[The actor][dump] out [the noun] into [the second noun], where [they][are] quickly washed away." (C); rule succeeds. Instead of an actor inserting something into a liquid stream (this is the no inserting things into flowing water rule): if the player is the actor: say "[The second noun][cannot contain] things." (A) instead; stop the action. Instead of an actor inserting a fluid container into a liquid stream: try the actor filling the noun with the second noun. Report an actor pouring a liquid stream into a fluid container (this is the report filling from a liquid stream rule): if the player is the actor: say "[We][fill][the second noun] up from [the noun]." (A) instead; stop the action. Part 5 - Output Chapter 1 - Examining Definition: a fluid container is emptyable if it is not a liquid source. The examining fluid containers rule is listed before the examine containers rule in the carry out examining rules. This is the examining fluid containers rule: if the noun is not a fluid container: make no decision; if the noun is closed and the noun is not transparent: make no decision; say "[The noun][fill description of the noun]" (A); if the description of the liquid of the noun is not "": say " [description of the liquid of the noun]" (B); say "[paragraph break]" (C); now examine text printed is true. Chapter 2 - Searching Report searching a fluid container (this is the just examine fluid containers rule): say "[The noun][fill description of the noun][paragraph break]" (A) instead. Chapter 3 - Describing the Fullness of Activity Section 1 - Fullness in general Describing the fullness of something is an activity. To say fill description of (sample cup - a fluid container): carry out the describing the fullness activity with the sample cup. Rule for describing the fullness of a liquid source (called the sample lake) (this is the describe sources rule): say "[regarding the sample lake][offer] a ready supply of [liquid of the sample lake].[no line break]" (A) Rule for describing the fullness of an empty fluid container (called the sample cup) (this is the describe empty containers rule): if the no trace amounts option is active: say "[regarding the sample cup][contain] nothing.[no line break]" (A); otherwise if the liquid of the sample cup is nonliquid: say "[regarding the sample cup][don't] contain even a trace of liquid.[no line break]" (B); otherwise: say "[regarding the sample cup][contain] only a trace of [the liquid of the sample cup] at the bottom.[no line break]" (C). Rule for describing the fullness of a non-empty graduated emptyable fluid container (called the sample cup) (this is the describe graduated containers rule): say "[regarding the sample cup][contain][the fluid content of the sample cup] of [the liquid of the sample cup].[no line break]" (A); Section 2 - Fancy Fullness (for use with Assorted Text Generation by Emily Short) Rule for describing the fullness of an ungraduated non-empty emptyable fluid container (called the sample cup) (this is the describe ungraduated containers rule): let percent be the fluid content of the sample cup times 100 divided by the fluid capacity of the sample cup; say "[are]" (A); if percent is less than 15: say " almost empty, except for a small amount" (B); otherwise if percent is greater than 84: say " almost full" (C); otherwise if the sample cup is full: say " full" (D); otherwise: say "[percent as a proportion] full" (E); say " of [the liquid of the sample cup].[no line break]" (F). Section 3 - Dull Fullness (for use without Assorted Text Generation by Emily Short) Rule for describing the fullness of an ungraduated non-empty emptyable fluid container (called the sample cup) (this is the describe ungraduated containers rule): let percent be the fluid content of the sample cup times 100 divided by the fluid capacity of the sample cup; say "[are]" (A); if sample cup is full: say " full" (B); otherwise if percent is less than 25: say " mostly empty" (C); otherwise if percent is greater than 75: say " mostly full" (D); otherwise: say " about half full" (E); say " of [the liquid of the sample cup].[no line break]" (F). Part 6 - Drinking The block drinking rule is not listed in any rulebook. The drinking action has a liquid called the liquid drunk. Setting action variables for an actor drinking something (this is the setting liquid drunk rule): if the noun is a fluid container: now the liquid drunk is the liquid of the noun; A fluid container can be preferred for drinking. A fluid container is usually not preferred for drinking. Does the player mean drinking a preferred for drinking fluid container (this is the preferential drinking rule): it is very likely. Does the player mean asking someone to try drinking a preferred for drinking fluid container (this is the preferential asking to drink rule): it is very likely. Understand "drink from [fluid container]" as drinking. Check an actor drinking a closed fluid container (this is the can't drink from closed sources rule): if the player is the actor: say "(first opening [the noun])[command clarification break]" (A); silently try opening the noun; if the noun is closed: stop the action. Check an actor drinking something which is not carried by the actor (this is the prefer to carry drink sources rule): if the noun is fixed in place or the noun is scenery or the noun is part of something: make no decision; otherwise: if the player is the actor: say "(first taking [the noun])[command clarification break]" (A); silently try the actor taking the noun. Check an actor drinking something which is not a fluid container (this is the can't drink things that aren't fluids rule): if the player is the actor: say "[The noun][aren't] suitable to drink." (A) instead; stop the action. Check an actor drinking an empty fluid container (this is the can't drink from empty containers rule): if the player is the actor: if the liquid of the noun is nonliquid: say "[The noun][are] completely empty." (A) instead; otherwise: say "[regarding the noun][There's] no more [liquid drunk] in [the noun]." (B) instead; stop the action. Definition: a fluid container is undrinkable: if the liquid of it can be drunk: no; yes. Check an actor drinking an undrinkable fluid container (this is the can't drink noxious containers rule): if the actor is the player: say "The [liquid drunk][aren't] something [we][can] drink." (A) instead; stop the action. Use variable sip size translates as (- Constant VARIABLE_SIP; -). Carry out an actor drinking a fluid container (this is the standard drinking fluids rule): let swallowed amount be the sip size; if the variable sip size option is active: let max variation be ( sip size * 2) / 3; let variation be a random volume between null volume and max variation; if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds: increase swallowed amount by variation; otherwise: decrease swallowed amount by variation; if the noun is emptyable: decrease the fluid content of the noun by the swallowed amount; if the fluid content of the noun is less than null volume: now the fluid content of the noun is null volume; if the noun is empty and the no trace amounts option is active: now the liquid of the noun is nonliquid. Report drinking a fluid container (this is the standard report drinking rule): say "[We][take] a sip of [the liquid drunk][if the noun is empty], leaving [the noun] empty[end if]" (A); if the flavor of the liquid of the noun is not "": say ". [flavor of the liquid drunk][paragraph break]" (B); otherwise: say "." (C) Report someone drinking a fluid container (this is the standard report someone drinking rule): say "[The actor][take] a sip of [the liquid drunk][if the noun is empty], leaving [the noun] empty[end if]." (A) Check an actor tasting an undrinkable fluid container (this is the can't taste noxious containers rule): if the actor is the player: say "The [liquid drunk][aren't] something [we][can] drink." (A) instead; stop the action. Check tasting a closed fluid container (this is the can't drink from shut containers rule): if the actor is the player: say "(first opening [the noun])[command clarification break]" (A); silently try opening the noun; if the noun is closed: stop the action. Check tasting a fluid container (this is the report flavors of drinks rule): if the flavor of the liquid of the noun is not "": say "[flavor of the liquid of the noun][paragraph break]" (A) instead; [And to deal with the case where there might be multiple empty containers lying around: ] Does the player mean drinking an empty fluid container (this is the discourage pointless drinks rule): it is very unlikely. Part 7 - Filling and Pouring Chapter 1 - Filling Understand the command "fill" as something new. [Here we want Inform to prefer full liquid sources to other containers when it chooses an end to a player's unfinished or ambiguous command. And so:] Understand "fill [fluid container] with/from [full liquid source]" as filling it with. Understand "fill [fluid container] with/from [non-empty fluid container]" as filling it with. Understand "fill [fluid container] with/from [fluid container]" as filling it with. [Both grammar lines point to the same ultimate outcome; the purpose of specifying both is to tell Inform to check thoroughly for full liquid sources before falling back on other fluid containers when making its decisions.] Understand "fill [something] with/from [something]" as filling it with. Understand "fill [something]" as filling it with. Filling it with is an action applying to two things. Carry out an actor filling something with something (this is the convert filling to pouring rule): try the actor pouring the second noun into the noun instead. Rule for supplying a missing second noun while an actor filling (this is the assume matching source rule): repeat with possible source running through visible non-empty fluid containers: if the liquid of the possible source is the liquid of the noun and the possible source is not the noun: now the second noun is the possible source; rule succeeds; if the person asked can touch a liquid source (called the target source): now the second noun is the target source; otherwise: if the player is the person asked: say "[We][have] to fill [the noun] with something specific." (A) instead; otherwise: say "You'll need to specify what to fill [the noun] with." (B) Chapter 2 - Pouring Understand "mix [non-empty fluid container] in/into/with [fluid container]" as pouring it into. Understand "pour [non-empty fluid container] in/into/on/onto [fluid container]" as pouring it into. Understand "empty [non-empty fluid container] in/into [fluid container]" as pouring it into. Understand "mix [fluid container] in/into/with [fluid container]" as pouring it into. Understand "pour [fluid container] in/into/on/onto [fluid container]" as pouring it into. Understand "empty [fluid container] in/into [fluid container]" as pouring it into. Understand "mix [something] in/into/with [something]" as pouring it into. Understand "pour [something] in/into/on/onto [something]" as pouring it into. Understand "empty [something] in/into [something]" as pouring it into. Does the player mean pouring something into a liquid source (this is the discourage mixing with liquid source rule): it is unlikely. Does the player mean pouring something into a fluid container which is not a liquid source (this is the encourage mixing in glasses rule): it is likely. Pouring it into is an action applying to two things. The pouring it into action has a liquid called the liquid poured. The pouring it into action has a liquid called the liquid receiving. The pouring it into action has a volume called the amount poured. Setting action variables for pouring something into something (this is the setting liquid poured rule): if the noun is a fluid container: now the liquid poured is the liquid of the noun. Setting action variables for pouring something into something (this is the setting liquid receiving rule): if the second noun is a fluid container: now the liquid receiving is the liquid of the second noun. Setting action variables for pouring something into something (this is the setting amount poured rule): if the noun is a fluid container and the second noun is a fluid container: now the amount poured is the fluid capacity of the second noun minus the fluid content of the second noun; if the amount poured is greater than the fluid content of the noun: now the amount poured is the fluid content of the noun; Check an actor pouring a closed fluid container into something (this is the can't pour from a closed noun rule): if the player is the actor: say "(first opening [the noun])[command clarification break]" (A); silently try the actor opening the noun; if the noun is not open: rule fails. Check an actor pouring something into a closed fluid container (this is the can't pour into a closed noun rule): if the player is the actor: say "(first opening [the second noun])[command clarification break]" (A); silently try the actor opening the second noun; if the second noun is not open: rule fails. Check an actor pouring something which is not carried by the actor into something which is not carried by the actor (this is the can't pour two untouched things rule): if the noun is not fixed in place and the noun is not scenery and the noun is not part of something: if the player is the actor: say "(first taking [the noun])[command clarification break]" (A); silently try the actor taking the noun; if the actor does not carry the noun: rule fails; otherwise: make no decision; if the second noun is not fixed in place and the second noun is not scenery and the second noun is not part of something: if the player is the actor: say "(first taking [the second noun])[command clarification break]" (B); silently try the actor taking the second noun; if the actor does not carry the second noun: rule fails; otherwise: make no decision; if the player is the actor: say "[We][need] to be holding at least one of [the noun] or [the second noun]." (C) instead; stop the action. Check an actor pouring something into something (this is the can't pour without fluid containers rule): if the noun is not a fluid container: if the player is the actor: say "[We][can't] pour [the noun]." (A) instead; stop the action; if the second noun is not a fluid container: if the player is the actor: say "[We][can't] pour liquids into [the second noun]." (B) instead; stop the action. Check an actor pouring something into the noun (this is the no pouring something into itself rule): if the player is the actor: say "[We][can] hardly pour [the noun] into itself." (A) instead; stop the action. Check an actor pouring an empty thing into something (this is the can't pour empties rule): if the noun is empty: if the actor is the player: if the liquid of the noun is not nonliquid: say "No more [liquid poured][remain] in [the noun]." (A) instead; otherwise: say "[The noun][are] completely empty." (B) instead; stop the action. Check an actor pouring something into a full fluid container (this is the can't overfill rule): if the second noun is full: if the actor is the player: say "[The second noun][cannot] contain any more than it already holds." (A) instead; stop the action. Carry out an actor pouring something into something (this is the standard carry out pouring rule): increase the fluid content of the second noun by amount poured; decrease the fluid content of the noun by amount poured; if the noun is empty and the no trace amounts option is active: now the liquid of the noun is nonliquid. Report pouring it into (this is the standard report pouring rule): if the noun is scenery or the noun is fixed in place or the noun is part of something: say "[We][fill][the second noun] with [the liquid poured]" (A); otherwise: say "[We][pour][the liquid poured] into [the second noun]" (B); say "[if the noun is empty], leaving [the noun] empty[end if]" (C); if the second noun is not full or the liquid of the second noun is not the liquid of the noun: say ". [run paragraph on]" (D); say "[regarding the second noun][They][fill description of the second noun][paragraph break]" (E); otherwise: say "." (F) Report someone pouring something into something (this is the standard report someone pouring rule): if the noun is scenery or the noun is fixed in place or the noun is part of something: say "[The actor][fill][the second noun] with [the liquid poured]" (A); otherwise: say "[The actor][pour][the liquid poured] into [the second noun]" (B); say "[if the noun is empty], leaving [the noun] empty[end if]" (C); if the second noun is not full or the liquid of the second noun is not the liquid of the noun: say ". [run paragraph on]" (D); try examining the second noun; otherwise: say "." (E) Chapter 3 - Basic Mixtures Section 1 - Allowing for Mixtures to Exist Use mixed liquids translates as (- Constant MIXED_LIQUIDS; -). The liquid-mixture refusal is some text that varies. The liquid-mixture refusal is "[We][don't] want to mix [the liquid of the noun] with [the liquid of the second noun]." Check an actor pouring something into something (this is the might mix substances rule): if the liquid of the noun is not the liquid of the second noun: if the second noun is empty: now the liquid of the second noun is the liquid of the noun; otherwise unless the mixed liquids option is active: if the player is the actor: say "[The liquid-mixture refusal][paragraph break]" instead; stop the action. Carry out an actor pouring something into something when the mixed liquids option is active (this is the carry out mixing substances rule): if the liquid poured is not the liquid of the second noun and the second noun is non-empty: now the liquid of the second noun is the resulting liquid. Section 2 - New Pouring Rules The pouring it into action has a liquid called the resulting liquid. Last setting action variables for pouring something into something when the mixed liquids option is active (this is the establish mixture rule): if the noun is not a fluid container: make no decision; if the second noun is not a fluid container: make no decision; if the liquid poured is not the liquid of the second noun: if amount poured is greater than null volume and the second noun is non-empty: let L be the liquid produced by the liquid-mixing rules for the amount poured; now the resulting liquid is L. Section 3 - Liquid-mixing Rulebook The liquid-mixing rules are a volume based rulebook producing a liquid. The liquid-mixing rulebook has a fluid container called the destination container. The liquid-mixing rulebook has a list of liquids called the recipe contents. First liquid-mixing rule for a volume (called the poured volume) (this is the assign quantities while mixing rule): now the destination container is the second noun; add the liquid of the noun to the recipe contents; add the liquid of the second noun to the recipe contents; sort the recipe contents; A liquid-mixing rule (this is the keep the same recipe as before rule): [If we add more of an existing component to the mix, there is no change] repeat through the Table of Liquid Mixtures: if the liquid of the second noun is the result entry: let L be the mix-list entry; repeat with item running through L: if the liquid of the noun is the item: rule succeeds with result the liquid of the noun. A liquid-mixing rule (this is the create mixtures rule): [otherwise, we must look up the combination in our recipe book] repeat through the Table of Liquid Mixtures: sort the mix-list entry; if mix-list entry is the recipe contents: rule succeeds with result the result entry. Last liquid-mixing rule (this is the default conversion of liquids rule): [If we can't locate a valid mixture of liquids, set the second noun to use the same liquid as the first] rule succeeds with result the liquid of the noun. Section 4 - Initial Table of Liquid Mixtures Table of Liquid Mixtures
mix-list (a list of liquids)result (a liquid) ----
Chapter 4 - Unsuccessful Attempts Unsuccessful attempt by someone pouring something into something (this is the explain unsuccessful pouring rule): if the reason the action failed is: -- the can't pour from a closed noun rule: say "[The actor][can't] pour from [the noun] when [they][are] closed." (A); rule succeeds; -- the can't pour two untouched things rule: say "[The actor][can't] quite get [the noun] and [the second noun] into the right configuration for pouring." (B); rule succeeds; -- the can't pour without fluid containers rule: if the noun is not a fluid container: say "[The noun][aren't] something that can be poured." (C); rule succeeds; if the second noun is not a fluid container: say "[The second noun][aren't] something that can be poured." (E); rule succeeds; -- the no pouring something into itself rule: say "[The actor][can] hardly pour [the noun] into [if the noun is plural-named]themselves[otherwise]itself[end if]." (F); rule succeeds; -- the can't pour empties rule: say "No more [liquid of the noun][remain] in [the noun]." (G); rule succeeds; -- the can't overfill rule: say "[The second noun][cannot] contain any more than [they] already [hold]." (H); rule succeeds; -- the might mix substances rule: say "[The liquid-mixture refusal][paragraph break]" (I); rule succeeds; make no decision. Unsuccessful attempt by someone drinking something (this is the explain unsuccessful drinking rule): if the reason the action failed is: -- the can't drink things that aren't fluids rule: say "[The noun][aren't] suitable to drink." (A); rule succeeds; -- the can't drink from empty containers rule: say "[The noun][contain] nothing." (B) instead; rule succeeds; -- the can't drink noxious containers rule: say "The [liquid of the noun][aren't] something [the actor][can] drink." (C); rule succeeds. Measured Liquid ends here.