Including this extension adds about sixty new verbs to a story's vocabulary, including words like GRAB, INSPECT, DESCEND, and KICK. Note that no new actions are created: these are all simply synonyms for existing commands. A few new command forms are also understood as well: for instance, CLIMB UP is understood as going, CLIMB INTO THE CHAIR as entering, and CLIMB ON WALL as climbing, all three of which are normally unrecognized. The functionality is similar to that provided by the old Inform 6 extension ExpertGrammar.h by Emily Short, minus some of the features since incorporated by default into Inform's grammar, and plus a few words and command forms I observed new IF players try to use during the testing of various projects. Emily's comments in the original extension note that many of these words are either standard in other IF languages, or were observed in the command logs of an online version of Zork. Example: * Look Around You -
test meGive My Creation Life
An Interactive Fiction
Release 1 / Serial number 220517 / Inform 7 v10.1.0 / D
>test me
>[1] descend
Operating Room
You can see a slab (on which is the Creature) and an oscillitron here.
>[2] look around
Operating Room
You can see a slab (on which is the Creature) and an oscillitron here.
>[3] observe the creature
You see nothing special about the Creature.
>[4] activate oscillitron
You switch the oscillitron on.
>[5] sit down on the slab
You get onto the slab.
On the slab you can see the Creature.
>[6] hand steak to creature
The Creature doesn't seem interested.
>[7] place steak on slab
>[8] kick creature
It's alive!
>[9] upstairs
(first getting off the slab)
"Give My Creation Life" Include Extended Grammar by Aaron Reed. The Laboratory is above the Operating Room. A slab is an enterable supporter in the Operating Room. A man called the Creature is on the slab. The player carries a raw steak. The oscillitron is a device in Operating Room. Instead of attacking the creature, say "It's alive!" Test me with "descend / look around / observe the creature / activate oscillitron / sit down on the slab / hand steak to Creature / place steak on slab / kick Creature / upstairs"
Version 8/140501 of Extended Grammar by Aaron Reed begins here. "Adds some of the most commonly attempted verb synonyms and alternate grammar lines. Based on the Inform 6 extension ExpertGrammar.h by Emily Short." [Changelog: -- V8: Updated to newest build. -- V7: Removed swear words in anticipation of I7 doing so soon also. -- V6: Added "put x on ground" and variants as synonym for drop. -- Version 5: Added useful section breaks; Added a few more things from newbie threads. -- Version 4: Absorbed a few prepositionless alternatives formerly in Small Kindnesses. -- Version 3: Added some new vocabulary as a result of newbie Sand-dancer transcripts. -- Version 2: Clarified climbing something enterable versus something not enterable; added a few new preposition forms to some commands. ] [Concerns: Should "lift" be pull or take? Has been seen used in both cases. Also "raise."] Section - Extended Grammar for Attack Understand the command "injure" or "kick" or "strike" or "smack" as "attack". Understand "break in/into/down/through [something]" as attacking. Understand "break [something] in/down" as attacking. Section - Extended Grammar for Burn Understand the command "melt" or "ignite" or "incinerate" or "kindle" or "bake" or "toast" as "burn". Section - Extended Grammar for Cut Understand the command "carve" as "cut". Section - Extended Grammar for Climb Understand "climb on/in/into/onto [something]" as climbing. Understand "throw [something preferably held] away" as dropping. Understand "throw away [something preferably held]" as dropping. Section - Extended Grammar for Drop Understand the command "toss" or "fling" or "hurl" as "drop". Understand "put [something preferably held] on floor/ground" as dropping. Section - Extended Grammar for Examine Understand the command "view" or "observe" or "inspect" as "examine". Section - Extended Grammar for Enter Understand the command "board" as "enter". Understand "climb on/onto/in/into [something enterable]" as entering. Understand "exit through/using/by/out/-- [a door]" as entering. Understand "sit [something]" as entering. [Note: This breaks I7 [recap of command] / I6 PrintCommand, which expects the player has typed a grammatical command. Thus we might get messages like "What do you want to sit?"] Understand "sit down on/in [something]" as entering. Understand "jump on/in/into/onto [something]" as entering. Understand "sit down" as entering. Section - Extended Grammar for Exit Understand the command "escape" or "depart" as "exit". Section - Extended Grammar for Give Understand the command "hand" or "deliver" as "give". Section - Extended Grammar for Go Understand the command "proceed" or "wander" or "explore" as "go". Understand "upstairs/ascend" as up. Understand "downstairs/descend" as down. Understand "go to [direction]" as going. Understand "climb [a direction]" as going. Section - Extended Grammar for Listen Understand "listen [something]" as listening to. Section - Extended Grammar for Look Understand the command "see" as "look". Understand "look around/about" as looking. Section - Extended Grammar for Pull Understand the command "raise" or "lift" as "pull". Section - Extended Grammar for Push Understand the command "lower" as "push". Section - Extended Grammar for Put Understand the command "place" or "stick" or "shove" or "stuff" as "put". Section - Extended Grammar for Switch Understand the command "activate" or "start" as "switch". Understand the command "deactivate" or "stop" as "switch". Section - Extended Grammar for Take Understand the command "steal" or "grab" or "acquire" or "snatch" or "bring" as "take". Section - Extended Grammar for Turn Understand the command "spin" as "turn". Section - Extended Grammar for Saying Yes Understand "okay" or "ok" as saying yes. Section - Extended Grammar for Throw Understand "throw [something preferably held] into/through/to [something]" as throwing it at. Extended Grammar ends here.